Register the CIMPLICITY Node with Proficy Authentication

Before you begin

Ensure that you have already installed CIMPLICITY 2024, Configuration Hub 2024, and Proficy Authentication 2024, or upgraded them to 2024.

About this task

This topic describes how to configure the CIMPLICITY node with the Proficy Authentication server used by Configuration Hub, with which you need to register the CIMPLICITY node. The following steps must be performed on the machine where the CIMPLICITY node is located.


  1. From the desktop, open the Node Manager Configuration utility as an administrator.
    The Node Manager Configuration utility appears.

    Node manager details on this host- This section displays the CIMPLICITY node's hostname and port number. Make a note of it as you will need these details while you add the node in Configuration Hub.

    Proficy Authentication- This is the section where you must enter the details of the Proficy Authentication server that the CIMPLICITY node will use, as well as the one Configuration Hub is using. This will enable Configuration Hub to trust the CIMPLICITY node when you add it.

  2. In the Proficy Authentication section, enter the following details:
    Field Description
    Host Name

    The hostname of the Proficy Authentication server to which you want to connect the CIMPLICITY node.

    Port The port number of the Proficy Authentication server. By default, it is 443.
    Client ID The client ID of the Proficy Authentication server, provided during the Proficy Authentication server installation.
    Client Secret The client secret of the Proficy Authentication server, provided during the Proficy Authentication server installation.

    If the root certificate of the Proficy Authentication server is not trusted, then click not trusted

    , the Certificate Details page appears. Select Trust to trust the root certificate.

  3. After you enter the needed details, select Configure.
    A success message appears stating that the Proficy Authentication was commissioned with Node Manager.

What to do next

Add the CIMPLICITY Node and Register the Plug-in with Configuration Hub