Log Files

Install Log Files

When installed with the Proficy installer, the log for the Configuration Hub portion of the install is named ConfigHubInstaller.log. This log appears in the C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp folder and can be used to troubleshoot any issues that occur during install. You will need to show hidden files, folders, and drives to view this file.

Configuration Hub Log Files

By default, the log for Configuration Hub is saved to the following location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\ConfigurationHub\Logs, and this folder for the web server logs: C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\ConfigurationHub\Web\httpd\logs.

Configuration Hub REST Service Log File

By default, the log for the REST service running in the Windows Services is named ifix_confighub_system_service.log. This log file is saved to the iFIX base path location. By default, the following folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\ folder.

IGS Log File

For IGS, a log file named igs-browse-config.log is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\LOCAL\Logs folder, by default. There is also an Industrial Gateway Server.log file in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\Industrial Gateway Server folder, by default.

Historian Log Files

For Historian, the logs are saved in this folder, by default: C:\Proficy Historian Data\LogFiles, or custom install path as specified during the Historian installation.

MQTT Client Log Files

For MQTT Client, the logs are stored in the default install path. By default, this path is: C:\Program Files\Proficy\MQTTClient\Logs.

Proficy Webspace Log Files

For Webspace, the logs are stored in the Webspace default install path. By default, this path is: C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy WebSpace\Log.

Webspace messages are recorded within log files prefixed with aps and followed by the date and time (to the nearest millisecond) the Webspace Application Publishing Service was started (for example: aps_2023-03-31_15-14-34.html). A new log file is created each time the Proficy Webspace Application Publishing Service is started. The log file with the latest date and time stamp contains messages for the current or most recent instance of the Proficy Webspace Application Publishing Service.

The Webspace session manager logs are stored to the C:\Program Files\Proficy\Proficy WebSpace\Programs\webspace-session-manager folder, by default. The webspace-session-manager.log file is the name of the log file.

Proficy Authentication Log Files

The default location for the Proficy Authentication log files is the CC:\ProgramData\ProficyAuthenticationLogs folder. If However, if Operations Hub has installed Proficy Authentication than it may be the C:\ProgramData\OphubLogs folder.

iFIX Web Server Log Files

For the iFIX Web Server, the log files are located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\web\logs folder, by default.

iFIX Log Files

For iFIX, the associated logs are in C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\LOCAL\Logs folder, by default. The names of these files are:

Log Name Description


iFIX OPCUA Config Service log file.


iFIX Configuration Hub certificate service log file.


iFIX ConfigHub Facade service log file.


Model editor service log file.


iFIX model service which is used for publishing model information to iFIX.
ifix_project_config_service.log iFIX project configuration service log file.


iFIX tag service log file.
ifix_tag_validators.log iFIX tag validator log file.
ifix_webspace.log Proficy Webspace log file.
igs-browse-config.log IGS browsing log file.
The following list are the .json files located in the iFIX\CFG folder that are associated with the log files in the previous table:
  • ifix_config.service.json
  • ifix_confighub_facade_service.json
  • ifix_confighub_system_service.json
  • ifix_model_service.json
  • ifix_project_config_service.json
  • ifix_tag_service.json
  • ifix_tag_validators.json
  • igs-browse-config.json
  • model_editor_service.json

Each of these .json files have an entry called "level" that accepts various values in lower case to capture greater detail of information. iFIX must be restarted after any modification of any of the levels in the json files.

Important: If you change any of the logging levels for the ,json files, after you've finished capturing the logs, be sure to set the level back to the default of "info". Otherwise, leaving the log at a level of "info" can impact performance.

Example of Modified .json File for Logging

Below is an example of the ifix_model_service.json file. Note that the "level" is currently set to "info." This value can be changed to any of the values in the following list. Note, that all values set for the level must be lower case.

    "port":  "4865",
    "secure":  true,
    "log":  {
		"enable":  true,
		"name":  "ifix_model_service.log",
		"level":  "info",
		"max-size":  5242880,
		"max-files":  3,
		"flush-seconds":  10
	    "publishResponseUri": {
        "file": "ifix_confighub_facade_service.json",
        "uri_path": "/ifix-confighub-facade/v1/ifix/publish/response"
    "unpublishModelFilename":  "model_editor.sqlite",
	"createModelInfoCommand": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS model_info ( model_version INTEGER(8) NOT NULL, lastPublishTime DATETIME, lastPublishUser TEXT(64) )"

The log level goes from off to trace. The default level is "info". The recommendation is to set the level to "trace" when troubleshooting the logs. After changed, iFIX will need to be restarted. The log files are located in the iFix\LOCAL\Logs directory.

Important: After you've finished capturing the logs, be sure to set the level back to the default of "info". Otherwise, leaving the log at a level of "info" can impact performance.
Error Logging Levels for iFIX .json Files

Acceptable entries for "level" are listed below:

  • off – To disable logging for the REST service.
  • critical – For this value the REST services do not have any messages implemented. This setting will output log messages for critical level only.
  • error – This level captures any error logs. This setting will output log messages for critical and error levels.
  • warning – Some warning messages are implemented in the REST. This setting will output log messages for critical, error, and warning levels.
  • info – This is the default value set in the JSON files. This setting will output log messages for critical, error, warning, and info levels.
  • debug – This setting will output log messages for critical, error, warning, info, and debug levels.
  • trace – This log level will output every log message implemented in the REST service. This setting will output log messages for critical, error, warning, info, debug, and trace levels.