About Registering the CIMPLICITY Plug-in

What is a CIMPLICITY Plug-in?

A CIMPLICITY plug-in with Configuration Hub represents a CIMPLICITY server node. Using the CIMPLICITY plug-in, you can browse your CIMPLICITY project's OPC UA devices, and MQTT devices in Configuration Hub, which operates as a web-based application.

Configuration Hub allows you to register one or more CIMPLICITY nodes as plug-ins. To ensure secure interaction between Configuration Hub and a CIMPLICITY node, Proficy Authentication is used. Proficy Authentication provides identity-based security for applications and APIs. It supports open standards for authentication and authorization, including Oauth2. Before you use Proficy Authentication with CIMPLICITY, there are a few more steps you need to follow after registering; see the Best Practices and Limitations section in the CIMPLICITY online help to understand the steps and to consider some of the limitations.

Scopes Required to Access CIMPLICITY Plug-in in Configuration Hub

To access the plug-in, you must have the SCADA.COMPUTER@[NodeName].$CONFIGSECGRP scope published to Proficy Authentication. By default, all the needed scopes are added to the ch_admin user.

Supported Setup for CIMPLICITY Plug-in Registration

Component Version
Configuration Hub 2024
Proficy Authentication 2024
Note: If you are using a previous version of Proficy Authentication and Configuration Hub, kindly upgrade to version 2024.

Supported Types of CIMPLICITY Plug-in Registration

  • CIMPLICITY is installed on one machine, while Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication are installed on another machine, provided that both CIMPLICITY and Configuration Hub are using the same Proficy Authentication.
  • CIMPLICITY, Configuration Hub, and Proficy Authentication are installed on three different machines. Provided that both CIMPLICITY and Configuration Hub are using the same Proficy Authentication.
  • CIMPLICITY, Configuration Hub, and Proficy Authentication are installed on the same machine.

If you have decided to follow the central registration method to register CIMPLICITY plug-in in Configuration Hub, before you begin with the registration, see About Registering the CIMPLICITY Plug-in.