Open screen

Open Screen displays a different CimView screen in another window.

Open Screen enables you to specify precisely what screen should open, at what zoom static to the current screen, in what location; you can also define variables with initial values that the open screen will assume. However, your entries are optional.

Configure the action as follows.

1 Action type
2 Screen name
3 Use expression
4 Base project
5 Always on Top
6 Confirmed
7 Captive
8 Percent zoom
9 Variables
10 Position type
11 Position
12 Ensure fully on monitor
1 Action type

Select Open screen.

2 Screen name

Name of the CimView screen that will open when the action is triggered.

Default Blank CimView users specify the screen to open.
3 Use Expression

When selected, Use expression displays options to assign the name of the screen through an expression.

Default Clear You can browse for the screen to be accessed.
4 Base project

A project name in the Base project field to qualify unqualified points.

Note: If the project is running during configuration all currently available projects are listed in the Base project drop down list. Any of the listed projects can be selected or another can be entered.
Default Blank Points are not associated with a project.
5 Always on Top

The window for the selected screen will open and stay in front of other windows as long as it is open.

This option insures that the selected screen will be visible (e.g if you have a toolbar, a main screen that is in full screen mode and the screen this will open is smaller, etc.).

Important: A user cannot turn off Always on Top during runtime.
6 Confirmed

When checked, Confirmed requires confirmation at runtime.

A message box will display before the action occurs requesting confirmation to proceed.

Default Clear Confirmation is not required.
7 Captive

When checked, Captive to prohibit a CimView user from performing functions in CimView until the current screen is closed.

Default Clear A CimView user can perform functions before the current screen is closed.
8 Percent zoom

Percent the screen will zoom to when it opens. The percent is based on the dimensions entered on the opening screen's Geometry tab.

Default 100 100%


Screen Name Open Screen
Open Screen The dimensions on the Open Screen in the Properties dialog box Geometry tab are:
Zoom 100

The screen opens at 100%, a 300 x 300 dimension.

9 Variables

Opens an Initial Variable Values dialog box. The open screen can take ownership of the variables listed in the dialog box.

The screen takes ownership of:

A Variable

Enter inputs that are:

  • Qualified variables with the objects that have the specified names.

    If there are no objects with names that match a qualified variable object name, that variable is disregarded.

  • Unqualified variables.

B Value
Enter a value or an expression to be assigned to a variable at run time.
C Evaluate
Select this check box to evaluate an expression and assign the value to a variable at run time.
D Send public variable values
Select this check box to set the values of screen level variables to variables with the same name in the target screen.


TANK1\Start is a qualified variable


TANK1 is the object name.

Start is the variable.

v3 is an unqualified variable.

10 Position type

Qualifying entries depend on the selected Position Type option.

For following selections specify the initial position X, Y for the top left corner of the open screen.

Type Open Screen Top Left Corner Positive values Move
Absolute Top left corner (0, 0) of the monitor screen. (Default) X
CimView screen relative Bottom left corner (0, 0) of the current CimEdit screen. X
Object relative Top left corner (0, 0) of the "event trigger object." X
Geometry String Top left corner (0,0) of the default monitor. The Geometry String offers several options for specifying the open screen's:
  • Size.
  • Position.
  • Display surface.
Specifications are made in the Geometry field that displays when Geometry String is selected.
Note: The Event Trigger Object is the object on which the event is triggered. It is not necessarily the object through which you are configuring the procedure.
11 Position

Displays when the following position types are selected.

  • Absolute
  • CimView screen static
  • Object static

X and Y positions.

  • Absolute positions are in pixels.
  • static positions are in points.
Default 0, 0 For the Absolute position type.
Tip: If you choose Object static, use the Geometry tab of the Event Trigger object to calculate your entries in the Position fields.
12 Ensure fully on monitor

When selected, Ensure fully on monitor ensures that the opened screen is completely visible on the monitor.

Default Selected The opened screen is completely visible on the monitor.