Relative setpoint

Relative setpoint adds the offset value to the current value of the point. The result is downloaded to the point.

Configure the action as follows.

1 Action type
2 Point ID
3 Offset
4 Confirmed
1 Action type

Select Relative setpoint.

2 Point ID

Point on which a setpoint is performed.

  • Offset values must be integers or real numbers.
  • Point must be a Read/Write point.
Opens the Select a Point browser.
Opens a Points Popup menu.
3 Offset

Number added or subtracted from the point's value when a user

  • Clicks the Up/Down arrows in the default box.
  • Presses the Up/Down arrow keys.
4 Confirmed

(Optional) Runtime confirmation.

Checked Requires confirmation. A message box will display before the action occurs requesting confirmation to proceed.
Clear Does not require confirmation.
Default Clear