General Reference

User Settings on the Rounds Pro Mobile App

The table describes the available list of options for the user in the User Settings page of the Rounds Pro mobile app.

Option NameOption TypeDescription
Remember personal settings on this deviceButton

If the option is enabled, all column settings, username, and any other preferences is saved for the login user.

If the option is disabled, the preferences are configured to default settings. The user profile image is removed and set to default image.

Ask to check out routes with or without imagesButton

If the option is enabled, a window appears when you check-out routes that have existing images. You can choose to download the route with or without images.

If the option is disabled, existing images are downloaded by default for each route that is checked out.

Check-in routes that are less than 100% complete as In-ProgressButton

A window appears on check-in for routes that are less than 100% complete. You can choose to check-in the route as finished or in-progress.

If the option is enabled, the default selection is Check-in as In-Progress.

If the option is disabled, the default selection is Check-in as Finished.

Retain Instance History on DeviceButton

If the option is enabled, Route Instances that have been marked Finished will be saved on the mobile device for 30 days and will be deleted automatically from the My Routes list after the expiration date.

Note: The Checked In status and Date of Expiry of the Route Instance appear in the ACTION column of the My Routes page.

If the option is disabled, Route Instances that have been marked finished are removed automatically from the My Routes list.

Rounds Pro Data Model

Rounds Pro leverages the fundamental GE Digital APM entity and relationship family infrastructure for storing data in the GE Digital APM database. The data that is stored in the GE Digital APM database can be transferred to a mobile device, where you can record readings and create recommendations. Those readings and recommendations can then be transferred and stored in the GE Digital APM database. When you are working with records in Rounds Pro, it is helpful to visualize the data model illustration. In the following illustration: The shaded boxes represent entity families. The arrows represent relationship families. You can determine the direction of each relationship from the direction of the arrow head. Black arrows and boxes represent entity families, relationship families, and associated relationship definitions that are configured in the baseline database and do not require customizing for baseline functionality to work.

Rounds Pro Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
RoleSecurity Groups
MI Rounds-Pro Admin
  • MI Rounds-Pro Administrator
  • MI Security Role
MI Rounds-Pro User
  • MI Rounds-Pro Mobile User
  • MI Security Role
  • Users can be member of Security Groups or Security Roles.
  • Security Groups can be associated with Security Roles.
  • You can configure View, Update, Insert, and Delete permissions on families for groups and users.
  • Users who should be able to run Rounds Pro queries to view the Rounds Pro data after it has been uploaded from a tablet or a mobile device will need a combination of the privileges listed in the following table, depending on the families included in the queries they want to run.

The following table lists the default privileges that members of each group have to the Rounds Pro entity and relationship families.

Family Rounds Pro Administrator Rounds Pro Mobile User
ActionView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Asset Has StepsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Condition Has Structure StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
EquipmentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Functional LocationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Reference DocumentsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Route Instance Execution HistoryView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Route StructureView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Route Structure Step ConditionView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Step ReadingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Has Structure StepsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Lubrication StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Measurement StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Operator Rounds RecommendationView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Reference DocumentView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Route InstanceView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert
Route Instance Execution HistoryView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Route MasterView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route Master Has AssigneesView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route PicklistView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route StructureView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route Structure StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Route Structure Step ConditionView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Step Has Additional InstructionView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Step Has Reference DocumentsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Step Has SourceView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Step ReadingView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete
Step TemplateView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Structure Step Is A StepView, Update, Insert, DeleteView

Rounds Pro URLs

There is one URL route associated with Rounds Pro: rounds pro. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the elements that you can specify for each.

Rounds Pro

app/roundspro/#/Displays the Rounds Pro Manager pageN/A
app/roundspro/#/route-instance-openDisplays the Routes Open Instances page.N/A
roundspro/#/route-instance-historyDisplays the Routes Instance History page.N/A
app/roundspro/#/rounds-stepsDisplays the Steps page.N/A
app/roundspro/#/rounds-designerDisplays the Rounds Designer pageN/A
app/roundspro/#/create-route-masterDisplays the Route Creation pageN/A
app/roundspro/#/picklist-managementDispalys the Picklist Management pageN/A

app/roundspro/#/dashboard?path={path to dashboard}

Displays the Rounds Compliance View of DashboardThe

app/roundspro/#/dashboard?path={path to dashboard}

URL lets you construct a hyperlink that will open the Rounds Compliance View. The URL accepts one parameter, RouteInstanceKey, which accepts the numeric entity key of the desired Route Instance for which you want to view the compliance on the dashboard. Example: app/roundspro/#/route-instance-open;rte=dashboard/64263659100
app/roundspro/#/edit-route-master/<RouteInstanceKey>/<RouteName>Dispalys the selected Route details pageThe app/roundspro/#/edit-route-master URL lets you construct a hyperlink that will open the page where you can edit the selected route master. The URL accepts two parameters, RouteMasterKey, which accepts the numeric entity key of the desired Route Master, and the RouteName which accepts the numeric entity key of the route name. The RouteKey and RouteName parameters are required. Example: app/roundspro/#/edit-route-master/64263757710/First%20Route%20JTN
app/roundspro/#/route-instance-details/<RouteInstanceKey>Displays the Route Instance details pageThe app/roundspro/#/route-instance-details URL lets you construct a hyperlink that will open the Route Instance details page. The URL accepts one parameter, RouteInstanceKey, which accepts the numeric entity key of the desired Route Instance. The RouteInstanceKey parameter is required. Example: app/roundspro/#/route-instance-details/64263758240
app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer/<AssetKey>/<StepKey>Displays the step details pageThe app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer URL lets you construct a hyperlink that will open the Step details page. The URL accepts two parameters, AssetKey, which accepts the numeric entity key of the desired Asset, and the StepKey which accepts the numeric entity key of the Step. The AssetKey and StepKey parameters are required. Example: app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer/64263289050/64263757705
app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer/template/<StepTemplateKey>Displays the step template details pageThe app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer/template URL lets you construct a hyperlink that will open the Step Template details page. The URL accepts one parameter, StepTemplateKey, which accepts the numeric entity key of the desired Step Template. The StepTemplateKey parameter is required. Example: app/roundspro/#/rounds-designer/template/64263720938

Rounds Pro System Code Tables

The following System Code Tables are used by Rounds Pro:

Table IDTable DescriptionFunction
  • OOS - Out of service
  • ONL - Online
  • AVL - Available
Used to populate values displayed in the Floc Equipment Status field when creating or modifying a Route in the Create Route page.
MI_PRIORITYPossible value:
  • 1 ( Urgent (Maximo) )
  • 2 ( High (Maximo) )
  • 3 ( Medium (Maximo) )
  • 4 ( Low (Maximo) )
  • VERY HIGH ( Very high )
  • MEDIUM ( Medium )
  • LOW ( Low )
  • HIGH ( High )
  • 5 ( Critical (SAP) )
Used to populate the Priority list in Steps and Step Template records.
MI_TIME_UNITSPossible values:
  • Minutes ( Minutes)
  • Hours (Hours)
  • Days (Days )
  • Weeks (Weeks )
  • Months (Months)
  • Years (Years )
Used to configure the time units values for various fields. The COMPLIANCE HORIZON and COMPLIANCE HORIZON INTERVAL fields in the Plan Routes section are supported by this system code to configure additional values.

About Site Filtering

Site filtering in Rounds Pro is achieved by specifying a value for the Site Reference Key for a record. A user must have privileges for the specified site to be able to access the records for the site. Users can be assigned to multiple sites and can access global data, and the data for each of the sites to which they are assigned in the Route History, Route Masters, Steps and Open Instance tabs in Rounds Pro Manager.

Note: By default, Site is the second column in the grids in the Route Masters, Steps, Open Instance, and Instance History tabs.

Site filtering behaviour is applied to all areas where data is handled in Rounds Pro including Data Loaders, Asset Hierarchy, Global Search, and Queries.

Users can view the site for the following records as shown below:

  • Steps: The site value is displayed in the header of a step record, as shown in the following image:
    • The site label is displayed after the user saves the newly created step.
    • A step created from a template inherits the site from the asset.
    • The site value for a record that has no value in the site reference field is set to Global.
  • Open and Historical Instances: The site is displayed in the header of the open instance or historical instance record, as shown in the following image:

    Users can search and sort the values in the Open Instances and Instance History data grid by site using the icon.

    Note: Open Instances and Instance History records that have no value assigned to the site reference field are displayed as Global in the Site column.

Site Inheritance for Steps

A step record inherits the site value from the Equipment or Functional Location to which it is linked. The readings taken on a step, inherit site value from the step’s site value.

Note: All site values that are left blank are set to Global and you can search and sort these values in the Steps grid using the icon.

You can sort and search values in the Site column available in the Steps tab.

Site Inheritance for Recommendations

When you create a recommendation from a step in the Rounds Pro mobile app, the site value of the step is assigned to the recommendation record.

When you create a stand-alone recommendation (not tied to an asset) in the Rounds Pro mobile app, the site value of the Route Master is assigned to the recommendation record.

Site Selection During Route Creation

In the Route Creation page, a user can select the site value through a drop-down list, which initially displays the default site value for the user and consists of all the sites that the user is assigned to.

The Asset Hierarchy in the Select Steps pane is filtered as per the selected site. When you add a new step from a site, the Site drop-down list is disabled because a route can only have steps from only one site. It is re-enabled when you remove all the steps.

Note: Assets that have no site assigned to them are considered Global assets and are always shown in the Asset Hierarchy. These steps can be assigned to any route, in addition to steps from only one other site. If a route master is assigned steps from only the Global site, the route master’s site value is set to Global. However, if the route master is assigned additional steps from another site (not Global), the corresponding site value is set for that route master.

The site name for a Route Instance, Open Instance, or Historical Instance is inherited from the Route Master's site.

Users and Teams assigned to the site of the Route Master appear in the Assign to drop-down list.

Note: If you set the Assign to field user value before adding a step, the Route Master's site and user's site can be different. In that case, an error message appears indicating that the user does not belong to the site of the Route Master.

Users can search and sort the values in the Route Master Data grid by site, using the icon.

Note: Route Masters that have no value assigned to the site reference field are displayed as Global in the Site column.