Catalog Items
Catalog Items
The information in this section of the documentation is intended to serve as a quick reference to details that are provided elsewhere in the specific Rounds Pro instructions.
The subfolders contain items that are intended to be used by GE Digital APM users, either before or after data has been transferred from a device to GE Digital APM.
Dashboards Folder
The following table lists the dashboards that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Rounds Pro\Dashboards. The table lists the dashboards by name. The dashboard name and caption are the same.
Dashboard Name | Behavior and Usage |
Rounds Compliance View | Displays the information related to Rounds Pro through various widgets and graphs. |
Graphs Subfolder | |
Compliance Overview | Displays the route compliance summary. |
Non Compliant Routes | Displays the number of route instances that are non-compliant for different route masters. |
NonCompliantRoutesByTeamAndUser | Displays the details about the assignment of non-compliant route instances. |
Year To Date Compliance | Displays the number of route instances that are compliant and the number of route instances that are non-compliant from the beginning of the year till date. |
Graphs Folder
The following table lists the graphs that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Rounds Pro\Graphs. The table lists the graphs by name. The graph name and caption are the same.
Item Name | Item Type | Behavior and Usage |
Compliance Overview | Graph | Displays the percentage of routes that are due in the next 30 days, due in the next week, due today, and overdue. |
Non Compliant Routes | Graph | Displays the number of route instances that are non-compliant for different route masters. |
NonCompliantRoutesByTeamAndUser | Graph | Displays the details about the assignment of non-compliant route instances. |
Year To Date Compliance | Graph | Displays the number of route instances that are compliant and the number of route instances that are non-compliant from the beginning of the year till date. |
Operator Rounds Pro Queries Folder
The following table lists the queries that are stored in the Catalog location \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Rounds Pro\Queries. The queries are listed by name in the table. The query name and caption are the same unless otherwise noted.
Query | Behavior and Usage |
ComplianceQueryOverNext30Days | Returns the list of routes that are due in next 30 days. |
Non Compliant Routes | Returns the number of route instances that are non-compliant for different route masters. |
NonCompliantRoutesByTeamAndUser | Returns the details about the assignment of non-compliant route instances. |
YearToDateCompliance | This query returns the number of route instances that are compliant and the number of route instances that are non-compliant from the beginning of the year till date. |