Route Instances

Access a Route Instance


  1. Access the Rounds Pro Manager page.
  2. Select the Open Instances tab.
    A page appears, displaying information about the route instances that are generated from the route masters.


You can use the Open Instances page to access the route instances that are generated from the Route Masters. You can sort and filter routes columns in the Open Instances page to narrow the results. You can sort the data in the columns in an ascending or descending order or filter based on specific filter criteria. You can also show or hide columns in the page.

Access a Route Instance History


  1. Access the Rounds Pro Manager page.
  2. Select the Instance History tab.
    A page appears, displaying information about the route instances that have been checked in or marked as finished from the Open Instances page.


You can use the Instance History page to access the history of the route instances that have been checked in or marked as finished from the Open Instances page. You can sort and filter routes columns in the Instance History page to narrow the results. You can sort the data in the columns in an ascending or descending order or filter based on specific filter criteria. You can also show or hide columns in the page.
Note: When a route is in progress, the instance will not be moved to Instance History. However, if the route is marked as finished, then the route will be removed from Open Instances and added to Instance History.

Access Route Instance Details


  1. Access the Open Instances or the Instance History page.
  2. From the ROUTE NAME column, select the route for which you want to view the details.
    A page appears, displaying information about the route instance details.
    • The route details page displays if the details are for an open instance or an instance history. For the open instance details, the Generated On, Checked Out By, and the Progress details are displayed. For the instance history details, the Completed On, Checked In By, and Completed Steps details are displayed.
    • You can view or hide multiple columns in the route details page on Rounds Pro mobile app using the Column Chooser box.


You can access the Route Instance details for open instances and instances that are completed or checked in to the database.

Create a Route Instance


  1. Access the Rounds Pro Manager page.
  2. Select the Route Masters tab.
  3. In the Route Masters section, select the check boxes corresponding to the routes listed in the ROUTE NAME column, for which you want to create an instance, and then select Create Instance.
    Note: You can select only the routes that have at least one step and which have been assigned to users or teams. If a route does not have steps or is not assigned to anyone, then the check box corresponding to that route is disabled. When you hover over the check box a message appears indicating that to select a route, the route must have steps and must be assigned to users.
    A success message with the number of new instances generated appears after the route instances are generated successfully.


The route instance is created and appears in the Open Instances section.

Delete a Route Instance on Rounds Pro Manager


  1. Access the Open Instances page on Rounds Pro Manager.
  2. In the Open Instances section, select the check box corresponding to the route instance listed in the ROUTE INSTANCE NAME column, which you want to delete.
  3. Select Actions, and then from the drop-down list select Delete Instance.
    A confirmation window appears, asking you to confirm if you want to delete the selected route instance.
    • The confirmation window indicates the number of route instances being deleted and the name of the operator who has checked out the route instance with the route name assigned to them.
    • Before deleting a route instance, you can review the status of the route instance in the CHECKED OUT BY column. After a route instance is deleted, any readings already collected, will be removed.
  4. Select Delete.
    The selected route instance is deleted.


The selected route instance is deleted from the Open Instances page of the Rounds Pro Manager. The route instance is removed from the GE Digital APM database.

Print a Route Instance on Rounds Pro Manager


  1. Access the Open Instances page on Rounds Pro Manager.
  2. In the Open Instances section, select the check box corresponding to the route instance listed in the ROUTE INSTANCE NAME column, which you want to print.
    Note: At a time, you can select only one route instance to print.
  3. Select Actions, and then from the drop-down list select Print Instance.
    A window appears indicating that a PDF will generate in the background.
  4. Select Okay.
    A page appears, displaying information about the route instance details in a PDF format.


The selected route instance details are displayed in the PDF format with the Route Name in the header and footer. You can print the ROUTE OVERVIEW page as a hard copy to record the readings manually.

Filter a Route Instance List


  1. Access the Open Instances or the Instance History page.
  2. Select .
  3. Type a few characters in the Filter text box below the column header.
    For example, to find all entries with location of Roanoke, type Roa in the Filter text box for the LOCATION column, and then press Enter.
    The data in the column is filtered, showing all entries with location Roanoke.


You can filter routes columns in the Open Instances or the Instance History page to narrow the results.

Sort Data in a Column in Route Instances


  1. Access the Open Instances or the Instance History page.
  2. Select a column header, such as LOCATION.
    The data in the column is sorted in a specific order (ascending or descending).
  3. Select the column header again to reverse the sort order.
    The data in the columns is sorted in the reverse order.


You can sort routes columns in the Open Instances or the Instance History page to narrow the results. You can sort the data in the columns in an ascending or descending order.
Note: Sort criteria is not affected by filtering. For example, if you sort the routes by the LOCATION column and then filter by STEP COUNT, the sort order remains unchanged.

Show Routes Columns in Route Instances


  1. Access the Open Instances or the Instance History page.
  2. From the Column Chooser box, select the column that you want to view.
    The selected column appears.

Hide Routes Columns in Route Instances


  1. Access the Open Instances or the Instance History page.
  2. From the Column Chooser box, clear the check box next to the column name that you want to hide.
    The selected column is hidden.
    Note: You cannot hide the OPEN INSTANCE NAME or the ROUTE INSTANCE NAME column.

Create Ad-hoc Route Instance


  1. Access the Rounds Pro Manager page or Access the Rounds Designer page, and then select Create Route.
    The Route Creation page appears, displaying the sections where you can select steps, sequence routes, and plan routes.
  2. In the SELECT STEPS section, select the asset and the steps to add to the route instance, and then select .
    To navigate to a child-level asset, expand the parent-level asset hierarchy.

    You can also type the name of the asset in the Search box.

    The selected assets and steps appear in the SEQUENCE ROUTE section.
  3. In the SEQUENCE ROUTE section, select corresponding to the steps or assets that you want to remove from the route instance.
    If you select additional assets or steps from the SELECT STEPS section and then select , the selected items get added after the existing items in the SEQUENCE ROUTE section.
  4. In the PLAN ROUTE section, the Route Master option is selected by default. Select the Route Instance option and enter values in the available fields.
  5. Select Create.
    The ad-hoc route instance is created and appears in the Open Instances list.