Reference Documents

About a Reference Document

A reference document is a file such as a Word document or an image that contains supplementary information that users need to view when they are working.

In the case of Rounds Pro, a reference document contains supplementary information about an asset that you might want device users to see when you enter the reading value for that asset.

For example, if you take several readings on the same piece of equipment, you may want to access an image dictating the exact locations at which the readings must be taken.

You can link new or existing Reference Document records to Step records via the Reference Documents section of the datasheet for the Step record.

Note: You can access all associated reference documents for a Step record only when you are connected to a network.
The following file types are supported for reference documents:
  • bmp
  • doc
  • docm
  • docx
  • gif
  • jpe
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • log
  • odt
  • pdf
  • png
  • pps
  • ppsm
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • rft
  • tif
  • tiff
  • txt
  • vdx
  • visio
  • vsd
  • vss
  • vst
  • vsx
  • xls
  • xlsb
  • xlsm
  • xlsx
  • xlw
  • zip

The device on which you want to display the reference document must contain the necessary software application for displaying the reference document type. Documents such as PDF or images will open in the application as a viewer. However, if a reference document is a Microsoft Word document, the device must have a word processing program, such as Mobile Word to view the reference document on the device.

In addition, if you create a reference document to display an image in the workspace for a Step on a Route, the image must be a compressed file type, for example, .png or .jpg.

Note: It is recommended to use small size files to ensure that the total route size does not exceed the size that allows you to download the route quickly.

Access a Reference Document Linked to a Step


  1. In the Rounds Designer page, Access a Step, for which you want to view a reference document.
  2. Select the Reference Document tab.
    The Reference Document section appears displaying the list of documents and URLs linked to the step and the information about other attributes of the reference documents.

Add a Reference Document to a Step


  1. In the Rounds Designer page, Access a Step, for which you want to add a reference document.
  2. Select the Reference Document tab.
  3. In the Reference Documents section that appears, select Add.
  4. In the Add Reference Document window that appears, select one of the following:
    • File: Select this option to attach a DOC, PDF, an image, or a text file.
    • Hyperlink: Select this option to add a URL.
  5. As needed, enter values in the available fields and select Add.
    The document or the URL is added to the list of reference documents linked to the step.
  6. Select .
    The reference documents are saved to the GE Digital APM database.
    Note: After the file is saved successfully to the GE Digital APM database, the file type, size, added by, and date fields are populated in the Reference Documents section.


For a single step, you can save reference documents up to a maximum size of 15 MB in total. After the Route Instance record that includes the step is downloaded to the mobile device, the device user will be able to view the reference document.

Sort Data in a Reference Document List


  1. In the Rounds Designer page, Access a Step of a route instance, from which you want to sort the data in the Reference Document list.
  2. Select the Reference Documents tab.
  3. In the Reference Documents section that appears, select a column header, such as TYPE.
    The data in the column is sorted in a specific order (ascending or descending).
  4. Select the column header again to reverse the sort order.
    The data in the column is sorted in the reverse order.


You can sort the reference document columns in the Reference Documents section in an ascending or descending order to narrow the results.

Delete a Reference Document Linked to a Step


  1. In the Rounds Designer page, Access a Step of a route instance, from which you want to remove a reference document.
  2. Select the Reference Document tab.
  3. In the Reference Documents section that appears, select the check box next to the reference document that you want to delete, and then select Delete.

    The Reference Document Delete Confirmation dialog box appears, prompting you to confirm if you want to proceed to delete the selected reference document.

  4. Select Continue.
    After the action is completed successfully, the selected reference document is deleted from the list.
  5. Select .


The reference document is removed from the GE Digital APM database.

Add Additional Instructions to a Step


  1. In the Rounds Designer page, Access a Step, for which you want to add additional instructions.
  2. Select the Reference Document tab.
  3. In the ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS section, add the required instructions for the operator to follow for the step.
    • If needed, select Select Image to attach an image to the step. You can attach only one image to a step. The image size should be less than 0.5 MB. You can attach images of the types .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .gif only.
    • You can enter only the additional instructions or attach an image, or provide both.
  4. Select .
    The additional instructions and attached image are saved to the GE Digital APM database.


For a single step, you can save additional instructions with a maximum of 500 characters and a single image. After you download the Route Instance record that includes the step to the mobile device, you can view the additional instructions and the attached image.