Material Actuals
Material actuals identify a material quantity used during a selected work process segment.
Resource actuals show the as-performed actual values for a resource during a production cycle. A resource actual is associated with a resource specification, making it easy to compare actual and specified values for properties.
When the planned use of material resources does not match the actual use of material resources, then a material actual is used. The material actual records the true values of resources during production, which can be compared to expected use. Work process segments have specifications, but no way to record actual values. Using material actuals makes it possible to take a true measurement of the resources that were used. For example, if the production normally used a specific batch of raw material and a separate batch was used, then a material actual would record the use of the other batch.
A material actual corresponds to an existing material definition resource.
IProductionRuntime Service Interface
Creating material actuals and editing their properties is managed using the CreateMaterialActual_IProductionRuntime and AddResourceActualProperties_iProductionRuntime call methods.