Submit Inspection Results

Before you begin

Perform an inspection on all the samples of the material lot for which you want to access the inspection results.


  1. Select Inspection Results.
    A list of serials/lots in the material lot appears.
  2. For each serial/lot, in the STATUS column, select an option as described in the following table.
    AcceptSelect this option if you want to accept the inspection results for the serial/lot.
    MRB/NCRSelect this option if the serial/lot is defective and you want to create a non-conformance. It is then available for the material review board (MRB) to dispose the defect. The status of the receiver is then indicated by .
    The options that you have selected for each serial/lot are saved.
  3. If you have accepted all the serials/lots in the material lot, select Submit. If, however, you want to create a non-conformance for at least one of them:
    1. Select Create NC.
      Note: The Create NC button is enabled only if you have selected Accept or MRB/NCR in the STATUS column for all the serials/lots in the material/lot, and you have selected MRB/NCR for at least one of them.
      The Create Non Conformance window appears, displaying a list of serials/lots for which you have selected MRB/NCR in the STATUS column.
    2. Enter values in the available fields, and then select Submit.
      For information on the fields, refer to Modify a Non-Conformance.
      A non-conformance is created for all the defective serials/lots and appears in the Non Conformance application. A defect is created for each defective serial/lot and linked to the non-conformance. In the Receiving Inspection application, next to each serial/lot for which the defect is created, the button appears in the VIEW column.
    3. Select in the VIEW column to copy the non-conformance number, and access the non-conformance in the Non Conformance application.
    4. Dispose all the defects in the non-conformance.
      In the Receiving Inspection application, the STATUS column in the Inspection Results section contains the disposition you have selected for each defective serial/lot.
    5. Select Complete.
      Note: The Complete button is enabled only after you dispose all the defects in the non-conformance and you have accepted all the non-defective serials/lots in the material lot.
    The inspection is complete (indicated by ). The inspection now appears in the Closed section. You can no longer modify the inspection results.