About Generating Samples for an Inspection

For each material in a receiver, you must generate samples on which you will perform an inspection. On each sample, you will perform the tests that you have identified for the inspection.

The size of a sample is calculated automatically using the Plant Applications sampling engine. For each sample, a user-defined event is created and linked to the associated production event.

To generate a sample:
  1. Configure the sampling engine, which is used to generate samples. For instructions, refer to the Sampling Engine Configuration document provided with the installation package. This document also contains information on the stored procedure.
  2. Access the receiver that you want to inspect.
  3. Generate a sample for a serialized or a non-serialized material.

When you generate samples for a non-serialized material, you can choose to split the lot if you want to perform different types of tests on different samples. For example, for a material lot containing 100 leaf springs, you can choose to perform stress test on one sample and endurance test on another sample.