Generate Samples for a Serialized Material

Before you begin

Access the receiver for which you want to generate samples. You can generate samples only for a material lot for which inspection tests are defined in Plant Applications Administrator (indicated by ).


  1. In the left pane, under the receiver, select the material for which you want to generate samples.
    The Edit Traceability section appears.
  2. In the Add subsection, provide values as described in the following table.
    STARTING SERIALThe serial number of the first item in the material lot. This value is used to number each item in the material lot. For example, if you enter PVC Pipe 01, the items in the material lot are numbered PVC Pipe 01, PVC Pipe 02, PVC Pipe 03, and so on.

    A value is required.

    SERIAL COUNTThe total number of items in the material lot.
  3. As needed, enter values in the remaining fields.
  4. Select Add to Table.
    Serial numbers are generated for all the items in the material lot, and appear in the table in the Edit subsection. The fields in the Add subsection are disabled.
  5. Select Save.
    Changes to the serial numbers are saved.
    Note: You can continue to change the serial numbers until the inspection begins. After you enter the inspection criteria, you cannot change the serial numbers.
  6. Select Generate Samples.
    Samples are generated for the serialized material lot and appear in the Inspection Criteria section. The size of the sample is calculated based on the size of the lot. The status of the receiver changes to awaiting inspection (indicated by ).

What to do next

Perform inspection on the samples. If needed, you can add more samples.