Before you begin
If you are working on an offline system, you need to have required packages to be available. Perform the following steps to download the required packages on a machine that is connected to the internet and then manually copy the packages to the offline machine.
- In the machine that is connected to the internet, download the docker images registry:2.4.1 and hyper/docker-registry-web by using following commands.
sudo docker pull registry:2.4.1
sudo docker pull hyper/docker-registry-web
- Create a tar file for above docker images using following commands:
sudo docker save -o registry.tar registry:2.4.1
sudo docker save -o docker-registry-web.tar hyper/docker-registry-web
- Copy the above tar files to the offline system.
- After copying the tar files, load the files using following commands:
sudo docker load -i registry.tar
sudo docker load -i docker-registry-web.tar
About this task
Use this section to create and configure docker registry.Procedure
- From the Plant Applications Enterprise Web Client installation package, download the file into the machine on which you want to run Docker Registry.
Extract the file into a new pa-dtr folder by running following command:
sudo unzip <downloaded_path>/ -d pa-dtr
. This folder stores the Docker Registry configuration files.
Note: Ensure that you have enough space (minimum 20 GB) to store these extracted files.
- Create another folder named docker.service.d in the /etc/systemd/system folder by running the following command:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
- In the docker.service.d folder that you have created, create a file named http-proxy.conf by running the following command:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
- Copy the following lines of code into the http-proxy.conf file, replacing the text in the angular
brackets with the appropriate values:
Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<proxy URL>:<port number of the proxy server>/""NO_PROXY=localhost,,<IP address of the Docker Registry node>,<host name of the Docker Registry node>"
- Save the file and close it.
Note: To save and close the file, enter ctrl+o and ctrl+x, respectively.
- Create a file named daemon.json in the following folder: /etc/docker
- Add the following lines of code in the daemon.json file:
"insecure-registries" : ["<IP address of the Docker Registry node>:5000","<host name of the Docker Registry node>:5000"]
- Run the following commands to verify that the proxy details that you have entered are correct:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart docker
systemctl show --property=Environment docker
- Using terminal, navigate to the pa-dtr folder.
- Access the .env file, and update the following parameters with the correct absolute path.
- REGISTRY_WEB_CONFIG_VOLUME_PATH=/<absolute path>/pa-dtr/conf/registry-web
- REGISTRY_WEB_DB_VOLUME_PATH=/<absolute path>/pa-dtr/conf/registry-web/db
- REGISTRY_CONFIG_VOLUME_PATH=/<absolute path>/pa-dtr /pa-dtr/conf/registry
- REGISTRY_DATA_VOLUME_PATH=/<absolute path>/pa-dtr/data
- In the pa-dtr folder, change the permission of the file to 775 by running the following command:
sudo chmod 775 ./
- Access the file, and run the Shell script with sudo privileges:
sudo ./
. This is necessary to create and access the Docker registry. - Go to the following locations to check if the Docker registry is created successfully:
- Registry-url: http://<host name or IP address>:5000/v2/_catalog to verify that the registry is up and running.
- Registry-web-url: http://<host name or IP address>:8080 to verify the docker images.
Docker Registry is created. When prompted for the DTR URL during the installation of
Plant Applications Enterprise Web Client, enter <host name of IP address of this local Docker Registry>:5000.
Note: Do not enter http or https.