Access List of Operations

About this task


Access the route for which you want to view the operations.
The list of operations in the route appears, displaying the Overview section. The following table provides information on each column in the table.
SEQThe sequence number of the operation.
NAMEThe name of the operation.
DESCRIPTIONThe description of the operation.
BEHAVIORThe behavior of the operation. The following options are available:
  • Clocking: If this option is selected, the operation requires manual clocking on and clocking off.
  • Non Clocking: If this option is selected, the operation does not require a manual clocking on.
LABOR TYPESThe labor type of the operation.
DEFAULT LABORThe default labor type.
EQUIPMENTThe equipment that is used to perform the operation. There can be multiple equipment for the same operation.