Access BOM Items

About this task

A Bill of Material (BOM) contains BOM formulations that define a list of items and the quantity of each BOM item needed to produce a product. In Route Editor, you can link BOM formulations to a route, and then link BOM items to operations.


  1. Access the route for which you want to access the BOM items.
  2. Select BOM.
    The list of BOM items appear. The following table provides information on each column in the table.
    SEQUENCEThe order of the BOM item in the formulation.
    PRODUCT CODEThe identifier of the product in which the BOM item is used.
    PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe description of the product in which the BOM item is used.
    OPERATIONThe operation for which the BOM item is used.
    QTYThe quantity of the BOM item required to manufacture each serial/lot of the product.
    UoMThe unit of measure of the BOM item.
    MANDATORYIdentifies whether the consumption of BOM items is mandatory to complete the operation. The possible values are Yes and No.