Access a List of Operations

About this task

As a supervisor, you can access operations in the Ready, In Progress, On Hold, and Completed statuses associated with a production line or material family.


  1. In the Work Order Manager page, select one of the following tabs:
    • Released: Select this tab if you want to access a list of operations that are ready or in progress.
    • On hold: Select this tab if you want to access a list of operations that are on hold.
    • Completed: Select this tab if you want to access a list of operations that are completed.
  2. Select By Operations.
    A list of operations in the status that you have selected appears. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the operation.
    OPERATIONThe name of the operation.
    SERIAL/LOTThe serial/lot number on which the operation is being performed.
    WORK ORDERThe work order for which the operation is performed on serials/lots.
    MATERIAL FAMILYThe material family associated with the material.
    MATERIALThe name of the material associated with the work order.
    COMP QTYThe quantity of serials/lots completed or produced out of the total quantity of serials/lots on which the operation must be performed. The value in this column appears in the following format: <completed quantity> of <planned quantity> (for example, 2 of 5).
    PRIThe priority of the work order. For instructions on how to prioritize a work order, refer to the Prioritize a Work Order topic.
    UNITThe production unit on which the operation is performed.
    STARTED ONThe date and time when the operation has begun. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm (for example, 03/27 10:58). For an operation in the Ready status, the value in this column is blank.
    READY ONThe date and time when the operation was ready. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm.