Tag Alias

Add or Modify a Tag Alias for a Tag Instance

You can add or modify an alias to a tag instance.

About This Task

You can create or modify an alias for a tag instance that can be used throughout Predix Essentials to help recognize a particular tag.
Note: The following applies when updating an alias:
  • You cannot update an alias with an existing alias name.
  • The alias name cannot be blank.
  • The alias name can contain up to 100 characters.
  • Parameter names are case sensitive.


  • To add a new tag alias to a tag instance:
    1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Assets > Asset Instances.
    2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
    3. Select the Tag link.
    4. In the Tag Aliases section, select .
    5. Enter an alias for the tag instance in the New Alias box, then select Create.
      The alias name is associated with the tag instance.
  • To modify an existing tag alias for a tag instance:
    1. In the Tag section in the Tag Aliases table, hover over an alias name and select the box.
    2. Enter a new alias name in the Alias Name box, then press ENTER, or select outside the field.
      The alias name is associated with the tag instance.

Delete a Tag Alias from a Tag Instance

You can delete a tag alias from a tag instance.


  1. In the module navigation menu, navigate to Assets > Asset Instances.
  2. Use the Context Browser to select an asset context.
  3. In the Tag section, in the Tag Alias table, hover over an alias name and select .
  4. Select Delete at the confirmation message.
    The alias name is removed from the tag instance.