Update Values on Mimic Cards

When configured, you can modify values in the HMI/SCADA data source directly on mimic cards.

You must have permissions in the HMI/SCADA data source to perform this task.
  1. Hover over the value you want to update on the mimic card.
    If the background of the value changes to blue, you can update the value.
  2. Enter the new value in its entirety and press Enter or select the value from a drop-down list.
    If you specify an invalid value in any entry box on the mimic card, the box becomes outlined in red.
  3. Optional: For mobile devices:
    1. Select the entry field whose value you want to update. If its background changes to blue, you can edit this value, as shown below:
    2. Select the entry field again and specify the new value or select it from a drop-down list.
    3. Optional: Click outside the field if you do not want to update the current value.
    4. If an update confirmation window appears, answer accordingly.
  4. If an update confirmation window appears, answer accordingly.
    An error can occur when you are not connected to the data source, you do not have permissions to write to your data source, or you entered a numeric value not within the acceptable minimum and maximum range for that value.