Configure CIMPLICITY for Mimics

When using the CIMPLICITY HMI/SCADA system as your data source, follow this quick walkthrough to successfully get mimics into Operations Hub.

  • Install the latest versions of CIMPLICITY and Operations Hub on different servers or on the same server.
  • Create an administrative user that you can use for both CIMPLICITY and Operations Hub. The user IDs must match in order to connect and manage communications and operations between the two systems, but the passwords must be different.
By integrating Operations Hub and CIMPLICITY, you can view CIMPLICITY data in Operations Hub using screens called mimics that were created in CimEdit.
Note: You can display booleans and enumerations as strings in your mimics. When creating the mimic, use the .Value attribute on your data sources. If you use .$RAW_VALUE, numeric values are rendered. For inline edits, both booleans and enumerations display a dropdown box with the possible values.
  1. Start the CIMPLICITY Workbench application.
  2. From the Workbench toolbar, go to File > New > Project and create a new project.
  3. After creating the project, go to Project > Properties.
    The Project Properties screen appears.
  4. On the OPC UA Server tab, perform these steps.
    1. Select the check box for Enable Server.
    2. Select Security Configuration, then select the check box for all the security options you want to enable for the OPC UA server.
  5. On the Operations Hub tab, perform these steps.
    1. Provide the following details:
      Field Description
      Server name Enter the name of the Operations Hub server to connect.
      Port Enter the port number for Operations Hub UAA. For example, 443.
      User name Enter the account username that has permission to access the Operations Hub application.
    2. Select the check box for Require trusted connection.
    3. Select View Certificate and if Untrusted, select Trust.
      The certificate gets added to the CIMPLICITY project's \data\WebHMIpki\server_certs folder. The certificate status now appears as Trusted.
    4. Copy the certificate files from the CIMPLICITY project's \data\WebHMIpki\server_certs folder, and paste them to the project's \data\WebHMIpki\trusted_issuers folder.
  6. In the CIMPLICITY project, create a TPump class with an alarm enabled.
  7. Create a Pump01 object that corresponds to the class.
  8. Create a visual representation (PumpMimic) of the TPump on the CimEdit screen.
  9. On Properties, enter $Object in the Variable column. CIMPLICITY uses this value to reference the context in the Operations Hub model, which is the TPump in this example.
  10. On Text, type ($Object).OnOff in the Display value Expression field. This value represents the OnOff value on the TPump object type in the Operations Hub model.
  11. To export or publish the mimic, right-click on the CIMPLICITY screen and select Publish to Operations Hub.
  12. In Operations Hub, do the following:
    1. Create a data source with OPC UA configuration in Operations Hub.
    2. Import the mimic.
    3. Associate the mimic to the TPump object type.
    4. Create an application.
    5. Create application pages for Alarm card and Mimic Card.
    6. Run the application and check to see if mimics are working.