DateTime Sample Types
DateTime sample types report data which either represents a date (year, month, day), a time (hour, minute, second), a date and time or a time span (days, hours, minutes, seconds). The current MTConnect Standard 1.4 defines only one sample type (CLOCK_TIME) which represents a date and time value.
Type Name
The name of the sample item type as defined in the MTConnect standard. This name must match exactly the type name in the MTConnect standard. If a type has one or multiple sub types, then multiple entries have to be defined, one for each type/sub type pair.
Sub Type Name
The name of the sample item sub type as defined in the MTConnect standard. This name must match exactly the type name in the MTConnect standard. If no sub type is specified in the MTConnect standard then this field has to be empty.
Date or Time Type
Currently only the DateTime (combination of date and time) type is supported.