Base Settings
Base Settings
Last modification
This is a read-only filed which displays the date and time the configuration file most recently was saved.
Modified by
This field can be used to enter the signature of the user who most recently has modified the configuration.
This field can be used to enter a version string of the modified the configuration.
Trace Settings
The built-in trace functionality of the MTConnect server allows to log the MTConnect XML data streams received via HTTP from the agent(s). The tracing can be set individually for each agent and can be set separately for MTConnect Probe, Current and Sample responses.
Each XML data stream is saved into a separate file. Each agent has its individual trace file folder. All agent-related trace file folders have a common base folder. Under the agent sub-folder a “PROBES” folder will be created which contains all Probe responses. Each device of an agent has its individual trace file folder and at this level the two folders “CURRENT” and “SAMPLES” will be created to store the Current and Sample responses. The following two parameters are basic trace parameters. See Agent's Trace Settings for detailed information about the agent specific trace parameters.
Trace File Base Folder
The base folder for the trace files. This is a read-only field. To change this folder click on the Browse button
and select an new folder. If the tracing is enabled for an agent, then this base folder is extended by the trace folder name for the specific agent.
Trace Files per Folder
To avoid a lack of disk space due to large and unlimited trace files, the number of trace files in the agent's CURRENT and SAMPLE trace folder is limited by this parameter. The number of files in the agent's PROBE folder is not limited. Valid range is 1 to 1000.
Simulation Settings
- Simulation File Base Folder
The built-in simulation functionality of the MTConnect driver allows to provide the driver with file data streams instead of receiving MTConnect data streams via HTTP protocol. The simulation can be set individually for each agent. Each agent has its individual simulation file folder. All agent-related simulation file folders have a common base folder. The file data streams have to have the same XML structure as the online streams received via HTTP from a agent. Three different file names are allowed for the three MTConnect data stream types:
- Probe.XML for a Probe response data stream
- Current.XML for a Current response data stream
- Sample.XML for a Sample response data stream
The following parameter is basic simulation parameter. See Agent's Simulation Settings for detailed information about the agent specific simulation parameters.
- Simulation File Base Folder
The base folder for the simulation files. This is a read-only field. To change this folder click the Browse button
and select an new folder. If the simulation is enabled for an agent, then this base folder is extended by the simulation folder name for the specific agent.
Communication Settings
Retry Delay Time
This parameter specifies the delay time the driver waits before it retries to connect to an agent in case that the agent has not replied to the previous Probe, Current or Sample request. Valid range is 1 to 10000 minutes.