
The iFIX OPC UA Server provides two ways to configure your certificates:

  • Use a Self-Signed Certificate for the MTConnect OPC UA Server
  • Use a GDS-Signed Certificate for the MTConnect OPC UA Server

Application Certificate

The certificate currently assigned to the MTConnect OPC UA Server. A red error icon appears to the left if the certificate is not useable.

Certificate Details

By clicking this button a detailed information about the certificate will be displayed as shown in the following picture.

Generate Self-Signed

To generate a new self-signed certificate for the MTConnect OPC UA Server, click the Generate Self-Signed button. The Configuration tool then generates a new certificate for the MTConnect OPC UA Server (The MTConnect Driver service). When successfully finished, the Task and Result list should show entries similar to the following picture:

The certificate file is stored in the folder:

The pfx file, which includes both the public and private key for the associated certificate is stored in the folder:

NEVER share this pfx file outside your organization!

Request From GDS

To request a certificate for MTConnect OPC UA Server from a Global Discover Server (GDS), click the Request from GDS button.

Update Trust List

Reads the trust list from the GDS and updates the trust list used by the MTConnect OPC UA Server.

Configure GDS...

Configures the endpoint and user credentials for the Global Discovery Service (GDS) to use.

Endpoint URL

The URL of the GDS service to use.

User Name

The login user name for the GDS.


The login password for the GDS.