If something is going wrong with with the MTConnect Driver service, the driver's log file should provide some useful information to locate and solve possible errors.
Driver Service Logging Settings

Log to file
The file logging of the MTConnect Driver service is enabled when this check box is set (checked).
Log File Path
Specifies the folder the MTConnect Driver service stores the log files. To change the folder either enter a valid path or use the browse button to open a folder browser dialog to select a new folder.
Max. Number of Log Files
To reduce the risk of a HD storage leak, the number of log files is limited by the parameter. Valid range is 1 to 100.
Log file per ...
Log files can be stored per hour or per day.
Server Service Log Viewer
Since Windows services (like the MTConnect Server Service) run in the background, they don't have a window to expose its status information in a direct way but the MTConnect Configuration Tool make the servers's information available in its Server Service Log Viewer window. This Log Viewer is connected to the Server Service via OPC UA (the Configuration Tool is the client) and receives all information, warning and error messages the Server Service sends.

If this toggle button is set On, all error messages are displayed in the message list.
If this toggle button is set On, all warning messages are displayed in the message list.
Info Messages
If this toggle button is set On, all information messages are displayed in the message list.
Clear List
Used to clear the entire message list.
If this button is set On, then the update of the message list is stopped.