General Reference

Reference Documents System Requirements

License Requirements

This feature is available with the core GE Digital APM application; no specific license is required.

Supported Features in APM Now

In the APM Now environment, external Reference Document access is unavailable. All other standard GE Digital APM product features related to Reference Documents are available.

Record Manager URLs

There is one URL route associated with Record Manager: record-manager. The following table describes the various paths that build on the route, and the values that you can specify for each element in the path.

ElementDescriptionAccepted Value(s)Notes

record-manager: Displays the Record Explorer page.

record-manager/<EntityKey>: Opens the Record Manager page for that entity.

Entity Key Specifies the Entity Key of the record that you want to open in the Record Manager.Any Entity Key that corresponds to an asset.None
record-manager/<EntityKey>/<FamilyKey>: Opens the Record Manager page for a family with the family key.

record-manager/<EntityKey>/<FamilyID>: Opens a Record Manager page for a family with the family ID.

Family Key

Specifies the Entity Key and Family Key of the record that you want to open in the Record Manager.

Any Family Key that corresponds to a family.




Displays a blank record for the family.

Family ID Specifies the family ID for a new record.Alphanumeric Family IDThe Family ID parameter provides the same functionality as the Family Key parameter. In each URL that contains the Entity Key parameter, you can use either the Family Key or Family ID parameter. You do not need to use both.

record-manager/<entityKey>? datasheetid=<DatasheetID>:Opens the Record Manager page of the entity on the desired datasheet.

record-manager/<Entitykey>?<FieldID>=<FieldValue>:Opens the Record Manager page of the entity and assigns the field value to the desired field.

Datasheet ID Specifies the datasheet that you want to display in the Record Manager.The Datasheet ID of the desired datasheet.The Datasheet ID must correspond to a datasheet that has been defined for the specified family in the Configuration Manager. If you do not specify this parameter, the GE Digital APM system will use the datasheet that the current user was last using when viewing a record in the specified family or the default datasheet if the user has never opened a record in that family before.
Field ID Defines fields that you want to populate automatically, as well as the values that you want to use to populate them.Values that are appropriate for the specified fields.When you construct a Route to create a new record, you can specify values that will be used to populate fields in that record automatically. The actual parameter names should correspond to fields that you want to populate. You must use the Field ID as the parameter name. The parameter values will vary depending on the values that you want to use to populate the fields, but you should make sure to specify values that are appropriate for the field types (e.g., specify numbers for numeric fields).

Example URLs

Example URLDestination
#record-manager/1234567 Opens the Record Manager, displaying the record with the Entity Key 1234567.
#record-manager/1234567/1234567 Opens the Record Manager, displaying the record with the Entity Key 1234567 and with the Family Key 1234567.
#record-manager/0/1234567 Opens the Record Manager, displaying a blank record for the family with the Family Key 1234567.
#record-manager/0/Pump Opens the Record Manager, displaying a blank record for the Pump family.
#record-manager/1234567?datasheetid=Custom_Datasheet Opens the Record Manager, displaying the record with the Entity Key 1234567. The datasheet Custom_Datasheet is selected by default.
#record-manager/0/1234567?Asset_Manf_CHR=Pacific Opens the Record Manager, displaying a blank record for the family with the Family Key 1234567. The field with the ID Asset_Manf_CHR is populated automatically with the value Pacific.