
Access the Manage Cycles Window

About this task

In GE Digital APM, you can manage cycles for a maintenance plan that does not have a maintenance strategy.


  1. Access an existing ASI package.
  2. In the left pane, in the WMI tree for the package, select the maintenance plan for which you want to manage cycles.

    The workspace for the selected maintenance plan appears.

  3. Select Manage Cycles.
    The Manage Cycles window appears.

Assign a Cycle Set Sequence


  1. Access the Manage Cycles window for the maintenance plan to which you want to assign a cycle set sequence, and then select the tab for the cycle set that you want to manage.
  2. In the Assign Cycle Set Sequence section, in the Cycle Set Sequence column, enter a value or modify the existing value.
    Note: The Cycle Set Sequence column is the only column in the grid that can be modified.
    Tip: Use a simple, consecutive numbering scheme.

  3. Select Done.

    The cycle set sequence assignment is saved.

Update a Cycle


  1. Access the Manage Cycles window.
  2. On the Manage Cycles window, in the left side of the Create/Edit Cycles section, select the tab for the cycle that you want to update.

    The datasheet for the selected cycle appears.

  3. As needed, modify the values in the available, and then select Done.

    The cycle is updated.

Delete a Cycle


  1. Access the Manage Cycles window.
  2. On the Manage Cycles window, in the left side of the Create/Edit Cycles section, select the tab for the cycle that you want to update.

    The datasheet for the selected cycle appears.

  3. Select .

    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the cycle.

  4. Select Yes.

    The cycle is deleted.