
Manage Recommendations

Action Management is a tool that allows you to define and to record the method by which risks are identified and mitigated in the form of Recommended Actions. Once an analysis is completed, Recommended Actions can be managed through the Recommended Actions pane. After Recommended Actions are successfully managed, the consolidated collection of Recommended Actions are promoted to Approved Actions.

You can access Recommended Actions and add Recommended Actions from the Failure Effect workspace of an RCM or FMEA analysis.

Tip: For information about additional options available when working with recommendation records, refer to the Action Management section of the documentation.

About SAE Standards in RCM Recommended Actions

Recommendation Management and SAE Standards

For each failure effect, one or more recommended actions can be defined. Generally, for the equipment or location and system owner, recommended actions should be designed to reduce to an acceptable level the probability and consequence of the related failure. Recommended Actions are the result of the Failure Mode and Risk Matrix Analysis. Each Failure Mode will have one or more Recommended Actions for how the failure can be avoided in the future.

After the Analysis team has fully analyzed the system, and while the information is still readily available, the team should define the criteria for reevaluation of the recommendation. For example, the analysis team can define whether a recommendation should be reevaluated based on time, a condition, a defined date, a system process change, or a change in the design code.

The SAE Standard JA1012, "Evaluation Criteria for Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes," specifies the following requirements for Recommended Actions. All Recommended Actions shall comply with the following criteria:

  • In the case of an evident Failure Mode that has safety or environmental consequences, the task shall reduce the probability of the Failure Mode to a level that is tolerable to the owner or user of the asset.
  • In the case of a hidden Failure Mode where the associated multiple failures have safety or environmental consequences, the task shall reduce the probability of the hidden Failure Mode to an extent which reduces the probability of the associated multiple failures to a level that is tolerable to the owner or user of the asset.
  • In the case of an evident Failure Mode that does not have safety or environmental consequences, the direct and indirect costs of doing the task shall be less than the direct and indirect costs of the Failure Mode when measured over comparable periods of time.
  • In the case of a hidden Failure Mode where the associated multiple failures do not have safety or environmental consequences, the direct and indirect costs of doing the task shall be less than the direct and indirect costs of the multiple failures plus the cost of repairing the hidden Failure Mode when measured over comparable periods of time.

Access Recommendations in RCM

About this task


  1. Access the Failure Effect for which you want to access recommendations.
  2. Select to expand the Recommended Actions pane.

    Note: If you want expand the Recommended Actions pane, select at the upper right corner of the pane. Select it again to collapse the pane back to half size.
    Tip: For information about additional options available when working with recommendation records, refer to the Recommended Actions section of the documentation.

Add a Recommendation


  1. Access the Failure Effect for which you want to add recommendations.
  2. Select to expand the Recommendations pane.

    Note: If you want expand the Recommendations pane, select at the upper right of the pane. Select it again to collapse the pane back to half size.
  3. In the Recommendations pane, select .

    The new recommendation pane appears, displaying the Identification section.

  4. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  5. To include action information in the recommendation, in the Identification section, select the Action Information tab, and then, as needed, enter values in the available fields.
  6. Select .

    The Recommendation is saved.