Lubrication Requirement Records

Lubrication Requirement records store details about checkpoints on a Route. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Lubrication Requirements family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields. This list is not comprehensive.

This family is enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be assigned to a specific site, and will then only be accessible to users who are assigned to the same site and have the appropriate license and family privileges. See the Site Filtering section of the documentation for more information on using this feature.


Data Type


Behavior and Usage

Asset Description

Character A description of the equipment or location represented by the Equipment or Functional Location to which you want to link the Lubrication Requirement.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Asset Description.

When the Lubrication Requirement is linked to:

  • An Equipment, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Equipment Short Description field in the linked Equipment.
  • A Functional Location, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Functional Location Description field in the linked Functional Location.

If you do not want GE Digital APM to populate the field automatically, you can enter a description for the equipment or location directly into the Asset Description cell.

Asset ID Character The ID of the Equipment or Functional Location to which you want to link the Lubrication Requirement.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Asset ID.

When the Lubrication Requirement is linked to:

  • An Equipment, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Equipment ID field in the linked Equipment.
  • A Functional Location, this field is populated automatically with the value in the Functional Location field in the linked Functional Location.
Capacity Number A number representing the amount of lubricant that the component will hold. You can enter a value in this field.
Capacity Unit of Measure Character A value representing the UOM associated with the value in the Capacity field.

On the datasheet, this field appears as list that is populated by the MI_LM_REFERENCES system code table.

Checkpoint ID Character The ID of the Checkpoint for the Lubrication Requirement. You can enter a value in this field.
Component Sub Type Character The sub type of a lubrication component type.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Component Subtype and is populated with the values stored in the Component Sub Type field in the existing Lubrication Component records.

This list is filtered by the value that you select in the Component list.

Component Type Character The type of lubrication component.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Component and is populated with the values stored in the Component Type field in the existing Lubrication Component records.


Character A description of the checkpoint.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled LR Description.

In this box, you can enter a description of the action users will be completing when they enter readings for this checkpoint.

This is a required field.

LR Type

Character The type of data that users can enter when creating a Reading linked to the Lubrication Requirement.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list that is populated by the MI_LM_LUBR_REQ_TYPE system code table.

Lubricant Character The lubricant that is required for this checkpoint.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Lubricant and is populated with the values stored in the Lubricant field in the existing Lubricant records.

This list is filtered by the values that you select in the Lubricant Manufacturer and Lubricant Type lists.

Lubricant Manufacturer Character The company that manufactures the lubricant that users should use when completing this checkpoint.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Lubricant Manufacturer and is populated with the values stored in the Lubricant Manufacturer field in the existing Lubricant records.

This list is filtered by the values that you select in the Lubricant list. If you have not yet selected a lubricant, the list is filtered based on the possible lubricants that you could select.

Lubricant Type Character The type of Lubricant. On the datasheet, this field appears as a list that is populated by the MI_LUBR_TYPE system code table.
Method Sub Type Character The sub type of a lubrication method type.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Method Sub Type and is populated with the values stored in the Sub Type field in the existing Lubrication Method records.

This list is filtered by the values that you select in the Lubricant and Method Type lists.

Method Type Character The method by which the lubricant must be applied.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Method Type and is populated with the values stored in the Type field in the existing Lubrication Method records.

This list is filtered by the value that you select in the Lubricant list.

Number of Points Character The number of points on the component that requires lubrication. You can enter the number of points that require lubrication. For example, if the component is an axle, you might enter 2 in this field.
Priority Character A value representing the priority associated with the lubrication requirement. On the datasheet, this field appears as a list that is populated by the MI_LUBR_PRIORITY system code table.
Related Ref Doc Image Key Numeric The entity key of a reference document.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a text box labeled Checkpoint Image in which you can enter or select a reference document image that will be downloaded to a device and displayed when you access a checkpoint in Rounds Data Collection.

Requires Equipment Shutdown Boolean Indicates whether the equipment requires shutdown.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a check box, which is cleared by default.

Status Character The status of the Lubrication Requirement. This field contains the value Active by default.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list labeled Status and contains the following values:

  • Active
  • Inactive

Inactive Lubrication Requirement records will not appear in Data Collection pages.

Template Character The Lubrication Requirement Template that you want to use to populate fields in the Lubrication Requirement.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list displaying the Template IDs of the Lubrication Requirement Template records in your database. When you select a value, other fields in the record will be populated automatically based on the values in that template.

After you save a Lubrication Requirement, the Content GUID of the selected Lubrication Requirement Template record is stored in the Template field, and the field is disabled.

Template Group Key Numeric Indicates the template group from which the checkpoint was created.

This field is populated automatically and is inherited from the Checkpoint family.

You can use this field to create a query that links a checkpoint to the template group used to create it.

Unit of Measure Character The unit of measure that you can specify when entering a numeric reading value for a checkpoint.

On the datasheet, this field appears as a list that is populated by the MI_LM_REFERENCES system code table. This field is disabled if the value in the LR Type field is Check Off.

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