Exporting MultiField Source Address

About this task

The Export MultiField Source Address function enables you to display information of the source address of the multifield tags in an Excel worksheet.


  1. Select Administration and then select Export MultiField Source Addresses from the Historian menu.
    The Historian Export MultiField Source Addresses window appears.
  2. Select a server from the drop-down list. If you do not select a server, the Add-In uses the default server.
  3. In the Filter Criteria section, in the MultiField Tag Mask/MultiField Tag Name field, search for the sets set you want to export.
    You can use one of the following options that are available:
    • Enter a * or do not enter any criteria. All the types appear.
    • Enter a type name or name mask or description and a description mask (*) criteria. All the types matching the criteria appear.
  4. In the Export Options section, select either the To New Worksheet, To CSV File, or To XML option.
    If you select either the CSV or XML option, you must also enter a path and file name for the destination file.
  5. Select OK to execute the Export UserDefinedtype function. Select Cancel to cancel and close the window.
    When the export function finishes, a window appears within a display of the worksheet containing the exported types and the message, Export Succeeded. Select OK to acknowledge the operation and close the window.