Exporting Data

About this task

The Export Data function allows you to move values from the Historian Server to your Excel worksheet or to another system in the same way you move tag information with Export Tags.
Note: Before importing or exporting tags, data, or messages, you should be aware of a convention used with the Historian application. The Server is the reference point for all import and export functions. If you want to move tag information from the Server into your worksheet, you must use the Export Tags command. Conversely, if you want to move data from your worksheet to the server, you must use the Import Data command.


  1. Select Administration > Export Raw Data from the Historian menu.
    The Export Data from Historian window appears.
  2. If you want to specify a server, select a server from the drop down list. If you do not specify a server, the Add-In uses the default server.
  3. Select a tag on your worksheet or enter the tag names manually.
    Note: If your tag name has a colon within it, then you should select the tag names via cell references only.
  4. Optionally, you can select the tag name from the Advance Tag Search window.
  5. In the Query Criteria String, enter the query criteria along with the # symbol.
    For example, if the query criteria string is to retrieve only good data quality values, then you should specify #ONLYGOOD as the Query Criteria String. See Query Modifiers.
  6. In the Query Time section enter values of time in the Start Time and End Time fields.
    You can also use relative time entries to this field. See Relative Time Entries.
  7. In the Sampling Type section, select a type from the drop-down list.
  8. The Calculation field is active only after you select Calculated Sampling as the Sample Type.
    Select a Calculation Algorithm type from the drop-down list.
  9. In the Sampling Interval section, select either the By Interval or By Samples option.
    The By Interval option displays two entry fields, Interval and Time Unit. Enter values in both. For example, to sample at 10 minute intervals, enter 10 in the interval field and select Minutes in the Time Unit field. The By Samples option displays a Number of Samples field.

    To specify a number of samples for the data query, enter a number in this field. For example, to query 100 samples, enter 100 in this field.

  10. In the Filter Definition section, enter filter parameters in the fields for Filter Tag, Filter Comparison, Include Date Where Value Is Equal To, and Include Times.
    These fields are optional. If you do not enter any values, the query returns all values without filtering.
  11. In the Fields To Export section, select one or more fields.
    To select multiple individual tags, press the Control key and select the tagnames. To select a sequence of tags, press the Shift key and select the first and last tagname of the sequence.
  12. In the Export Options section, select one of three options:
    • To New Worksheet
    • To CSV File or
    • To XML File
  13. If you select To CSV File or To XML File, you must enter a file name and path for the new file in the File Name field.
  14. Select OK to initiate the export. Select Cancel to abort the operation and close the window.