Relative Date and Time Shortcuts
Optionally, you can add or subtract relative time shortcuts to the absolute times. The following table outlines the relative time shortcuts.
Time Segment | Meaning |
s | Second |
m | Minute |
h | Hour |
d | Day |
w | Week |
micro | Microsecond |
You can use relative time shortcuts when defining time intervals. For instance, use these shortcuts when you specify a value for the IntervalMilliseconds
Note: You cannot use relative time shortcuts to add or subtract microseconds to or from absolute times.
Example 1: Set the Start Time to 10 Days Before Yesterday and End Time to Today
SET starttime=yesterday-10d, endtime=today
SELECT * FROM ihQuerySettings
Example 2: Retrieve the Previous 24 Hours of Messages
SELECT * FROM ihMessages WHERE timestamp>=Now-24h
Example 3: Select Data Starting at 1AM Yesterday and Ending Now
SELECT * FROM ihrawdata WHERE timestamp>=yesterday+1h AND timestamp<=now
Example 4: Retrieve Raw Data With a 1 Hour (3600000 Milliseconds) Interval Between Returned Samples
SELECT * FROM ihrawdata WHERE intervalmilliseconds=1h
Example 5: Retrieve Raw Data With a 100 Microseconds Interval Between Returned Samples
SELECT * FROM ihrawdata WHERE intervalmilliseconds=100micro and starttime>= '7/12/2011 12:03:16.100000' and endtime<='
Example 6: Retrieve This Week's Output to Date
SET starttime=Sun, endtime=Now, intervalmilliseconds=1d, samplingmode=rawbytime
SELECT tagname, SUM(value) FROM ihRawData WHERE tagname LIKE *00* GROUP BY tagname