Parenthetical Expressions
Parentheses control the order of evaluation of the logical operators in an expression. The Historian OLE DB Provider supports parentheses in a WHERE
clause. You can use multiple sets of parentheses, and nest parenthetical expressions.
Example 1: Use Parentheses
WHERE (tagname LIKE *001 AND description="aa") OR tagname LIKE *002
Example 2: Use Parentheses with Logical Operators and Timestamps
SELECT * FROM ihRawData WHERE tagname=Simulation00001 AND (Timestamp=>Tu AND Timestamp<=Wed OR Timestamp>=Fri AND time
Example 3: Use Multiple Sets of Parentheses
SELECT * FROM ihtags
WHERE (tagname LIKE '*001*' AND description LIKE '*sim*') OR
(tagname LIKE '*02*' AND (description LIKE '*sec*' OR description LIKE '*sim*'))