A table join is an operation that combines rows from two or more tables. You can join as many tables as you want within one JOIN
statement. When you use a table JOIN
statement, you must specify the column name and table when selecting the columns that you want to compare. The syntax for table joins follows standard SQL language format. The Historian OLE DB Provider supports the following table joining operations in SELECT
Supported Join Feature | Description |
Inner Join | Combines records from two tables whenever there are matching values. |
Left Join or Left Outer Join | Returns all of the rows from the left (first) of two tables, even if there are no matching values for records in the right (second) table. |
Right Join or Right Outer Join | Returns all of the rows from the right (second) of two tables, even if there are no matching values for records in the left (first) table. |
Full Join or Outer Join | Returns all rows in both the left and right tables. Any time a row has no match in the other table, SELECT list columns from the other table contain null values. When there is a match between the tables, the entire result set row contains data values from the base tables. |
Cross Join | Returns all rows from the left table. Each row from the left table is combined with all rows from the right table. |
Old Join syntax | Simply selects columns from multiple tables using the WHERE clause without using the JOIN keyword. |
Table joins are a powerful tool when organizing and analyzing data. A few examples are included in this section. However, refer to the documentation for your third-party reporting software for more complete information on building more complex queries.
JOIN Operations Rules
The following rules apply when working with JOIN
operations for the Historian OLE DB Provider:
- You cannot join a table with itself.
- You cannot join any table with the ihTrend or ihQuerySettings tables.
statements in the following examples.Example 1: Perform an Inner Join to Retrieve Only Data With Associated Comments
SELECT d.timestamp, d.tagname, d.value, c.username, c.comment
FROM ihrawdata d INNER JOIN ihcomments c
ON c.tagname=d.tagname AND c.timestamp=d.timestamp
WHERE d.tagname LIKE '*0001*'
ORDER BY d.timestamp, d.tagname, c.username, c.comment
Example 2: Perform a Left Outer Join to Retrieve All Data With and Without Comments
SELECT d.timestamp, d.tagname, d.value, c.comment FROM ihrawdata d
LEFT OUTER JOIN ihcomments c
ON c.tagname=d.tagname AND c.timestamp=d.timestamp
WHERE d.tagname LIKE '*0001*' ORDER BY d.timestamp, d.tagname
Example 3: Perform a Right Outer Join to Retrieve All Comments and Their Accompanying Data
SELECT d.tagname, d.timestamp, d.value, c.comment FROM ihrawdata d
RIGHT OUTER JOIN ihcomments c
ON c.tagname=d.tagname AND c.timestamp=d.timestamp
WHERE d.tagname LIKE '*0001*' ORDER BY d.tagname, d.timestamp
Example 4: Perform a Cross Join
SELECT * FROM ihCollectors CROSS JOIN ihArchives
Example 5: Perform a Cross Join (Older Syntax)
SELECT ihTags.Tagname, iharchives.Filename FROM ihTags, ihArchives
Example 6: Join the ihMessages and ihArchives Tables
This example uses SET StartTime
before the SELECT
statement. The SET
statement is necessary because the timestamp criteria in SELECT
do not narrow down the time range for the ihMessages table until after the results have been collected and the join takes place.
SET starttime='1-jan-2000'
SELECT a.starttime, a.endtime, m.*
FROM ihmessages m JOIN iharchives a
ON m.timestamp>=a.starttime
AND m.timestamp<=a.endtime WHERE a.iscurrent=true
Example 7: Interleave Data and Messages by Timestamp
SELECT d.timestamp, m.timestamp, d.tagname, m.messagestring, d.value FROM ihRawData d FULL OUTER JOIN ihMessages m
ON d.timestamp=m.timestamp WHERE d.tagname=simulation00001
AND d.timestamp>='30-nov-2001 00:00:00'
AND d.timestamp<='06-dec-2001 00:00:00'
Example 8: Retrieve the Greatest Values Across All Simulation Tags
In the following example, we join the ihRawData
and ihTags
tables, because the ihRawData
table does not contain the CollectorType
SELECT TOP 300 ihRawData.tagname, ihRawData.timestamp, ihRawData.value, ihRawData.Quality FROM ihRawData
INNER JOIN ihTags ON ihRawdata.Tagname = ihTags.Tagname
WHERE ihRawData.tagname LIKE simulation*
AND ihRawData.timestamp>=11/28/2001
AND ihRawData.timestamp<=11/29/2001
AND ihRawData.samplingmode=interpolated AND ihRawData.intervalmilliseconds=1H
AND ihTags.datatype!=FixedString
AND ihTags.datatype!=variablestring
AND ihRawData.quality>0
ORDER BY value DESC, timestamp DESC
Example 9: Join the ihComments and ihRawData Tables
SET starttime='28-nov-2001 08:00', endtime='29-nov-2001 09:00', samplingmode=interpolated, intervalmilliseconds=6m
SELECT d.tagname, d.timestamp, d.value, c.storedontimestamp, c.username, c.datatypehint, c.comment FROM ihcomments c
FULL OUTER JOIN ihrawdata d ON c.tagname=d.tagname
AND c.timestamp=d.timestamp
WHERE d.tagname LIKE '*0001*'
ORDER BY d.tagname, d.timestamp,c.storedontimestamp, c.datatypehint, c.username, c.comment
Example 10: Report by Tag Description
In the following example, we join the ihRawData
and ihTags
tables to get the Description
column from the ihTags
SELECT d.timestamp, t.description, d.value, d.quality
FROM ihrawdata d INNER JOIN ihtags t ON d.tagname=t.tagname
WHERE d.tagname LIKE '*0001' ORDER BY d.timestamp, t.description
Example 11: Join Three Tables
SELECT ihTags.Tagname, ihTags.Description, ihRawData.TimeStamp, ihRawData.Value, ihRawData.SamplingMode, ihComments.Comment
FROM ihTags ihTags, ihRawData ihRawData, ihComments ihComments
WHERE ihTags.Tagname = ihRawData.Tagname
AND ihRawData.Tagname = ihComments.Tagname
AND ihRawData.Timestamp = ihComments.Timestamp
AND ihRawData.TimeStamp >= {ts '2002-03-01 09:39:00.000'}
AND ihRawData.TimeStamp <= {ts '2002-03-01 09:41:00.000'}
AND ihRawData.SamplingMode = 'RawByTime'
AND ihTags.Tagname LIKE '%TestTag1%'
Example 12: Perform a Right Join (Older Syntax)
SELECT ihTags.Tagname, ihTags.CollectionInterval, ihCollectors.CollectorName, ihCollectors.DefaultCollectionInterval
FROM ihTzzz|
Example 13: Perform a Left Join (Older Syntax)
SELECT ihTags.Tagname, ihTags.CollectionInterval, ihCollectors.CollectorName, ihCollectors.DefaultCollectionInterval
FROM ihTags ihTags, ihCollectors ihCollectors
ihTags.CollectionInterval *=ihCollectors.DefaultCollectionInterval
AND ihTags.Tagname LIKE '%TestTag%'