PublicPort |
Port for https protocol communication. |
443 |
UAAHttpPort |
Port where UAA runs on the machine where it is installed. |
9480 |
UAADatabasePort |
Port where UAA data (PostgreSQL UAA database) is stored on the machine where it is installed. |
9432 |
HistorianHttpPort |
Port where Historian web applications run on the machine where they are installed. |
8070 |
HistorianDatabasePort |
Port where PostgreSQL Historian database is stored on the machine where it is installed. |
8432 |
UseExternalUaa |
Identifies whether you want to use an external UAA service. |
0 |
AdminClientSecret |
The password to connect to the UAA service. The password must satisfy the following conditions:
- Must not contain only numbers.
- Must not begin or end with a special character.
If the password does not satisfy these conditions, the installation may be successful, but web-based clients will not work. |
Not applicable |
ActiveUaaBaseUrl |
The base URL to connect to an external UAA. A value is required only if you want to connect to an external UAA service. Enter a value in the following format: https://<UAA server machine name>:<public https port number> |
UAAAdminClientSecret |
The admin password to connect to a UAA service. |
DataPath |
The path to the log files and PostgreSQL data. |
C:\ProgramData\HistorianWebBasedClientsLogs |
DestinationHistorian |
The name of the destination Historian server. Note: If you want to connect to a remote Historian server, you must disable the Enforce Strict Client Authentication and Enforce Strict Collector Authentication options using Historian Administrator in the remote server. |