Back Up the Proficy Authentication Database

This topic provides steps to create a backup of the Proficy Authentication database.

Before you begin

You must have administrative access to perform the steps.


  1. Log in to the machine where Proficy Authentication is installed.
  2. Download the PowerShell scripts and unzip the file.
  3. Open Windows 'Services Management Console' and stop the Proficy Authentication Tomcat Web Server service.
  4. Launch Windows PowerShell as an administrator.
  5. Use the command line to navigate to the location where the backup script file was downloaded.
  6. Execute the following command to create a backup: .\Backup_ProficyAuthentication.ps1
    For example,
    C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop> .\Backup_ProficyAuthentication.ps1
    The file is created and saved to C:\ProgramData location.

    The YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS in the filename includes the respective backup's datetime value.

    The following table details the files and folders selected by the PowerShell script and included in the backup zip file. It provides information on each item, its default location on the system, and the corresponding target location within the zip file.

    File/Folder Name Default Location Target Folder
    data-v13 C:\ProgramData\GE\Proficy Authentication\uaa-postgres PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-postgres
    uaa.yml C:\ProgramData\GE\Proficy Authentication\uaa-config PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-config
    uaa-httpd.conf C:\Program Files\GE\Proficy Authentication\httpd\conf\app-specific.d PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-config
    server.xml C:\Program Files\GE\Proficy Authentication\uaa-tomcat\conf PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-config
    Certificate(if exist) C:\ProgramData\GE\Proficy Authentication\cert-manager\extraca\ldap_SecAdminSrv PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-config
    keytab file(if exist) C:\ProgramData\GE\Proficy Authentication\uaa-config PROFICY_AUTHENTICATION_BKP_YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\uaa-config