Known Issues and Limitations

The following limitations apply to using Configuration Hub 2024:

Area Description
Multiple Users and Browser Sessions Multiple users can log into the same server and make changes, but they must be different browser sessions.
Multiple Plugins When multiple plugins, for example: iFIX and Historian, they must be registered to Configuration Hub. All plugins should use same Proficy Authentication Server Name. If the Configuration Hub or Proficy Authentication Server are part of a domain system, then Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) name should be used for Server Name.
Historian Server For Historian, if only one machine remains in a mirror group, you cannot remove it.
Historian Web Admin If you install Configuration Hub and the Historian Web Admin console on the same machine, and use self-signed certificates for both of them, the login page for Configuration Hub does not appear. To prevent this issue, disable the domain security policies:
  1. Access the following URL: chrome://net-internals/#hsts
  2. In the Domain Security Policy section, in the Delete domain security policies field, enter the domain name for Configuration Hub, and then select Delete.
iFIX SCADA When iFIX and Configuration Hub are on different computers and an error displays that the iFIX SCADA is not active or unable to retrieve locale information, ensure that iFIX is started and that SCADA is enabled. (If iFIX has Failover enabled, then only the Primary Node in Maintenance Mode can connect to Configuration Hub.) Also, make sure that both systems have same date and time.
iFIX Upgrade When iFIX is upgraded from a previous version of iFIX, sometimes the iFIX Register to Configuration link shows as non-trusted. You will need to delete the certificates and binding, and then recreate them using the iFixConfigServiceCertTool.exe tool (as an Administrator). As a final step to establish the trust, you would need to copy the certificate files (iFIX_OpcuaConfigServer.crt and iFIX_OpcuaConfigServer.key files) from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\CFG\iFIX_OpcuaConfigService\pki folder into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy\iFIX\web\conf directory, and restart iFIX.
Model Publish from iFIX Be aware that if you want to publish a model from iFIX 2024 to Operations Hub, you must use Operations Hub 2024.
Naming Conventions Alarm name, tag name, model object instance names should not be same.

iFIX entities like the database name, tag names, alarm areas, model types, and model instances must be unique. Ensure you use unique names when creating these items.

Spaces are not supported in the model or iFIX tag names in Configuration Hub.

Shared Security Paths in iFIX Computers connected in a Work Group environment is not supported in iFIX 2024 with shared drive Security Paths (using Configuration Hub).
iFIX Registration The iFIX Registration page does not function when the Client ID or Client Secret for Configuration Hub or Proficy Authentication include any characters other than the alphanumeric character set from the English keyboard. This is currently a known limitation. There is no workaround.
Proficy Authentication

If more than one LDAPS Identity Providers are created, the test connection fails for second LDAPS connection.

Workaround: Restart the "GE Proficy Authentication Tomcat Web Server" service, then retest the connection.

English Proficy Installer For the English Proficy installer, when entering the Client ID or Client Secret fields for Configuration Hub and Proficy Authentication during the install, you can only use English alphanumeric characters and the following symbols: ~`!@#$*()-_={}[]\'",.?/
Translated Proficy Installer For a translated Proficy installer, when installing on a non-English operating system, you can enter characters from that specific language in the Client ID and Client Secret fields displayed in the installer.
Non-English Characters and Installer Configuration Hub cannot be installed on computers with machine names containing non-English characters.
Data Connections and Regional Number Formats In Configuration Hub, in the iFIX > Connections panel, group parameters do not support regional number formatting.
German Language Limitation The German Letter ß is not supported for Input Fields in Configuration Hub, such as in the Database Tag Name/Security/Project Settings/Connections-Network fields.
Chinese Language Limitation On Chinese systems, there is a an issue when you right-click a node in the Node Manager and select Manage. The Node Manager panel does not expand the node and stays with spinner.

The workaround to manage the node from the Details panel:

  • From the Details panel > Node Manager, click the manage settings .
  • In the popup dialog box that appears, you can now view or update the product name and status.
French and Polish Language Limitation In Configuration Hub, the Tag field values in the iFIX Model Panel do not support the space as a thousand separator for French and Polish. For example, do not use a value such as '1 100' in your tag field.