Fixed Defects

The following defects were fixed in Configuration Hub 2024:

Case # Area Description
01080612 Proficy Authentication

While attempting to set up the LDAP identity provider, an error occurred with the use of a comma in the binding user's distinguished name (DN). The comma character is not supported due to its usage as a separator in the field.

This issue is resolved in Configuration Hub 2024.
01080043 Proficy Authentication

The LDAP group mapping feature in Proficy Authentication was found to be non-functional when the Chrome browser was set to the Slovenian language. It is possible that the issue may also occur when the browser is set to other languages. The issue has been identified as a translation problem within the Proficy Authentication connection component. This issue has been resolved by implementing a fix to ensure proper translation handling.

This issue is resolved in Configuration Hub 2024.
01079388 Proficy Authentication Previously, LDAP identity provider user account was getting locked out. This issue is resolved in Configuration Hub 2024.
01073637 Proficy Authentication

Previously, the ability to establish communication with the LDAP server and fetch LDAP groups failed within Configuration Hub.

This issue is resolved in Configuration Hub 2024.