Create a Wonderware Collector
Before you begin
- Deploy Proficy Historian for AWS.
- Install collectors. You can install them on-premises or on an EC2 instance in a VPC (which can be the same one as the Historian server or a different one).
- Ensure that the iFIX server is running.
About this task
- Only unsolicited data collection is supported.
- The supported timestamp resolution is 100 milliseconds.
- Floating point, integer, and string data are supported.
- Run Command Prompt as an administrator.
- Run the CloudHistorianConfigurationUtility.exe file. It is provided along with the collectors installer. After you install collectors, it will be available in the C:\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Cloud Config folder by default.
Enter the number corresponding to creating a collector instance.
A list of collectors that you can create appears.
- Enter the number corresponding to the collector that you want to create.
Enter the following details:
Field Description Interface Name Enter the name that you want to provide for the collector instance. A value is required and must be unique in the DNS. NLB DNS Enter the Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) DNS. A value is required.
Tip: To find the NLB DNS:- Access the EKS cluster on which you have deployed Proficy Historian for AWS.
- Access the EC2 instance.
- In the navigation pane, under Load Balancing, select Load Balancers.
- Select the load balancer for which you want to find the DNS.
- In the Description section, copy the DNS name.
Username Enter the username to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required. Password Enter the password to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required. Tip: For the default user, ihCloudHistAdmin, this is the value you entered in the Password field under UAA Configuration when you created the stack.Wonderware Server Enter the host name or IP address of the Wonderware server. A value is required. By default, the local host name is considered. The Wonderware collector is created and started.