Create a Simulation Collector
Before you begin
- Deploy Proficy Historian for AWS.
- Install collectors. You can install them on-premises or on a VPC (which can be different from the one on which Proficy Historian for AWS is deployed).
About this task
- The collector generates random scaled values between 0 and 32,767. It uses the high and low engineering units fields of each tag to scale the 0 to 32,767 pre-set values into appropriate engineering units.
- The collector also provides five-string simulation tags that generate random alphanumeric data.
- In addition to generating random values, the collector can generate sequential values for some tags. For a list of such tags, refer to Tags with Sequential Values.
- You can import browse for tags and their attributes.
- The supported timestamp resolution is 1ms.
- Floating point, integer, and string data are supported. Binary data is not supported.
- You can create Python Expression tags.
- Only polled data collection is supported with a minimum poll interval of 100ms.
Note: You can create more simulation string tags by
manually adding string tags with the following naming convention to the collector:
Supported Tag
- Tagname
- Data Type
- Hi Engineering Units
- Lo Engineering Units
- Hi Scale
- Lo Scale
- Run Command Prompt as an administrator.
- Run the CloudHistorianConfigurationUtility.exe file. It is provided along with the collectors installer. After you install collectors, it will be available in the C:\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Cloud Config folder by default.
- Enter the number corresponding to creating a collector instance.
Enter the following details:
Field Description Interface Name Enter the name that you want to provide for the collector instance. A value is required and must be unique in the DNS. NLB DNS Enter the Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) DNS. A value is required.
Tip: To find the NLB DNS:- Access the EKS cluster on which you have deployed Proficy Historian for AWS.
- Access the EC2 instance.
- In the navigation pane, under Load Balancing, select Load Balancers.
- Select the load balancer for which you want to find the DNS.
- In the Description section, copy the DNS name.
Username Enter the username to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required. Password Enter the password to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required. Tip: For the default user, ihCloudHistAdmin, this is the value you entered in the Password field under UAA Configuration when you created the stack.The collector instance is created and started.