Create an OSI PI Distributor

About this task

The OSI PI distributor collects data from a Historian server and sends it to an OSI PI server. You can use OSI PI v1.3.4 or greater.

The OSI PI distributor uses unsolicited distribution, whereby changes in Historian tags values are detected, and are forwarded to a remote OSI PI data server. The distributor duplicates data from a Historian archive to an OSI PI data archive.

One OSI PI distributor can distribute data to a single OSI PI data archive. To distribute to multiple OSI PI archives from an Historian archive, you must create multiple instances of the OSI PI distributor. You can also configure multiple OSI PI distributors for a single OSI PI data archive.
Note: The OSI PI distributor can send data only to PI Archive, not to PI Snapshot.
  • You can browse the source for tags and their attributes on an OSI PI server.
  • Only unsolicited data collection is supported.

    For unsolicited data collection, if collector compression is disabled, all new values produce an exception. And, the deadband percentage is determined by the collector deadband percent. You can only configure the collector deadband percent by enabling compression.

  • The supported timestamp resolution is milliseconds or seconds.
  • Floating point, integer, and string data are supported.
  • Device timestamps are accepted.


  1. Run Command Prompt as an administrator.
  2. Run the CloudHistorianConfigurationUtility.exe file. It is provided along with the collectors installer. After you install collectors, it will be available in the C:\Program Files\GE Digital\Historian Cloud Config folder by default.
  3. Enter the number corresponding to creating a collector instance.
  4. Enter the following details:
    Field Description
    Interface Name Enter the name that you want to provide for the collector instance. A value is required and must be unique in the DNS.

    Enter the Amazon Network Load Balancer (NLB) DNS. A value is required.

    Tip: To find the NLB DNS:
    1. Access the EKS cluster on which you have deployed Proficy Historian for AWS.
    2. Access the EC2 instance.
    3. In the navigation pane, under Load Balancing, select Load Balancers.
    4. Select the load balancer for which you want to find the DNS.
    5. In the Description section, copy the DNS name.
    Username Enter the username to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required.
    Password Enter the password to connect to Proficy Historian for AWS. A value is required.
    Tip: For the default user, ihCloudHistAdmin, this is the value you entered in the Password field under UAA Configuration when you created the stack.
    OSI PI server Enter the host name or IP address of the machine on which the OSI PI server is installed. A value is required.
    OSI PI username Enter the username to connect to the OSI PI server. If you just press ENTER, the default username is used.
    OSI PI password Enter the password to connect to the OSI PI server. If you just press ENTER, the default password is used.
    PI source Specify whether the OSI PI source is archive or snapshot. If you just press ENTER, archive is considered as the PI source.
    The OSI PI distributor is created and started.