Choosing a Collector

The following table provides a list of collectors supported by Proficy Historian for AWS, along with their purpose and features.
Collector Type Purpose Supported Data Collection Time Resolution Supported Data Types
The Calculation collector Performs calculations on values stored in Data Archiver. N/A N/A N/A
The iFIX collector Collects data from iFIX. Only polled milliseconds or seconds Boolean, floating point, integer, and string
The MQTT collector Collects data published to a topic using an MQTT broker. The data should be in Predix time series data format. Only unsolicited Seconds, milliseconds, and microsecond Boolean, floating point, integer, and string
The ODBC collector Collects data from an ODBC data source. Only unsolicited 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, and string
The OPC Classic DA collector Collects data from any OPC 1.0 or OPC 2.0-compliant OPC Classic DA server. Both polled and unsolicited (unsolicited for OPC 2.0 only) 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, binary, and string
The OPC Classic HDA collector Collects historical data from any OPC HDA 1.2 - compliant OPC server. Only unsolicited 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, binary, and string
The OPC UA DA collector Collects data from any OPC UA 1.0 or OPC 2.0-compliant OPC UA DA server. Both polled and unsolicited 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, binary, and string
The OSI PI collector Collects data from an OSI PI data server. Only unsolicited milliseconds and seconds Floating point, integer, and string
The OSI PI Distributor Collects data from a Historian server and sends it to an OSI PI server. Only unsolicited milliseconds and seconds Floating point, integer, and string
The Server-to-Server collector Collects data from an on-premises Historian server and sends it to Proficy Historian for AWS, or vice versa. Only unsolicited 100 milliseconds Floating point, integer, and string
The Server-to-Server Distributor Collects data from a smaller Historian server to a large, centralized Historian server. Only unsolicited 100 milliseconds Floating point, integer, and string
The Simulation collector Generates random numbers and string patterns for demonstration/testing purposes. You can configure the number of tags that you want to generate. Only polled 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, and string
The Wonderware collector Collects data from Wonderware. Only unsolicited 1 millisecond Floating point, integer, and string
Note: The following collectors are not supported by Proficy Historian for AWS:
  • The File collector
  • The HAB collector
  • The Cygnet collector
  • The iFIX Alarms and Events collector
  • The Windows Performance collector