Datalogger Mappings

Create a Datalogger Mapping

About This Task

Datalogger Mappings are one-to-one relationships between fields in GE Digital APM families and fields on various dataloggers that are supported by Thickness Monitoring.

The Datalogger Mappings workspace contains a list of baseline mappings. This topic describes how to create an additional mapping.

Important: To avoid data integrity issues:
  • Do not modify mappings for the TML Asset ID and TML ID fields.
  • When you add a mapping, ensure that:
    • The source and target fields are of the same data type.
    • The combination of source and target fields is unique (that is, there is a one-to-one relationship between the source and target fields).


  1. Access the TM Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the left pane, select the Datalogger Mappings tab.
    The Datalogger Mappings workspace appears, displaying a list of mappings.

  3. Navigate to the blank row at the bottom of the list, and enter values in the available fields.
    Tip: If you want to add more mappings, press Tab. Another blank row appears at the bottom of the list.
  4. Select .
    The Datalogger Mapping is created. In the row containing the mapping that you have added, the icon is replaced with the icon.
    Important: After the Datalogger Mapping is created, for these additional fields to appear in the Send To section of the TM Dataloggers page, the \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Queries\Datalogger TMLs catalog query must be modified. In addition, to use the Piping Rotation and Flip functionality, the \\Public\Meridium\Modules\Thickness Monitoring\Piping Rotation\Queries\Datalogger TMLs - Piping Asset catalog query must be modified.


  • If the value in the Transfer Direction field is Send To (T), then, for the datalogger for which you have created the mapping:
    • The newly created mapping appears in the grid in the Send To section on the TM Dataloggers page.
    • When you Send Data to a Datalogger, the value in the Source Field field that you have specified in the mapping is also sent to the device.
  • If the value in the Transfer Direction field is Receive From (F), then, for the datalogger for which you have created the mapping:
    • The newly created mapping appears in the grid in the Receive From section on the TM Dataloggers page.
    • When you Receive Data from a Datalogger, the value in the Source Field field that you have specified in the mapping is populated with the value from the device field.

Delete a Datalogger Mapping

About This Task

Important: Do not delete the mapping between the following fields. If you do so, you will not be able to send or receive data using the datalogger.
Source Field Source FamilyTarget Field
TML Asset IDThickness Measurement Location

Asset ID

TML IDThickness Measurement LocationDatapoint ID
Number of ReadingsThickness Measurement LocationNumber of Readings
ReadingsThickness MeasurementReading Values
Measurement Taken DateThickness MeasurementMeasurement Taken Date


  1. Access the TM Admin Preferences page.
  2. In the left pane, select the Datalogger Mappings tab.
    The Datalogger Mappings workspace appears, displaying a list of mappings.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select .
    A column of check boxes appears in the grid.

  4. In the row containing the mapping that you want to delete, select the check box.
  5. In the upper-right corner of the workspace, select , and then select Delete.
    A message appears, asking you to confirm that you want to delete the mapping.
  6. Select Yes.
    The Datalogger Mapping is deleted.


Depending on the value in the Transfer Direction field in the mapping that you deleted, the data related to the mapping is no longer sent to or received from the datalogger.

Datalogger Mapping Records

Datalogger Mapping records are used to determine the relationship between fields in GE Digital APM families and fields used in a datalogger. This topic provides an alphabetical list and description of the fields that exist for the Datalogger Mapping family. The information in the table reflects the baseline state and behavior of these fields.

This family is not enabled for site filtering, which means that records in this family can be accessed by any user with the appropriate license and family privileges. For more information, refer to the Sites section of the documentation.

FieldData TypeDescriptionBehavior and Usage
Asset TypeCharacterIndicates whether the mapping is applicable only to piping assets or to all assets.The default value is null. When the value in this field is Piping Asset, the mapping for piping assets supersedes the mapping for all assets. This field is populated by the MI_DLG_ASSET_TYPE System Code Table.
Device TypeCharacterThe type of the datalogger whose field you want to map.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the M655 System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • GE DMS2
  • GE DMS Go/Go+
  • Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness Gage
  • Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness Gage
Source FamilyCharacterThe name of the GE Digital APM family whose field you want to map as the source.

If the value in the Transfer Direction field is Send To (T), then this field contains the following list of families:

  • Thickness Measurement Location
  • TML Corrosion Analysis

If the value in the Transfer Direction field is Receive From (F), then this field contains the following list of families:

  • Thickness Measurement
  • Thickness Measurement Location
Source FieldCharacterThe name of the field that you want to map as the source.This field contains a list of fields in the family that you have selected in the Source Family field.
Target FieldCharacterThe name of the field that you want to map as the target.

This field contains a list of fields in the datalogger that you have selected in the Device Type field. It contains the description of the system Codes in the M658 System Code Table. You must only use the baseline fields that appear in this field.

By default, on the TM Dataloggers page, in the Send To and Receive From sections, the rows in the grids are arranged in the alphabetical order of the values in the Target Field column.

Transfer DirectionCharacterIndicates whether data is sent to or received from the datalogger.

This field contains the description of all the System Codes in the M656 System Code Table. You can choose from the following baseline values:

  • Send To (T)
  • Receive From (F)

Baseline Datalogger Mapping Records

The following table provides the field values in baseline Datalogger Mappings.

Device TypeTransfer DirectionSource FamilySource FieldTarget Field
GE DMS Go/Go+Receive From (F)Thickness MeasurementMeasurement Taken DateDate Last Updated
GE DMS Go/Go+Receive From (F)Thickness MeasurementReadingsReading Values
GE DMS Go/Go+Receive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
GE DMS Go/Go+Receive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationLocationDatapoint Location
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationNumber of ReadingsNumber of Readings
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement DateDate Last Updated
GE DMS Go/Go+Send To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement ValueMeasurement Value
GE DMS2Receive From (F)Thickness MeasurementMeasurement Taken DateDate Last Updated
GE DMS2Receive From (F)Thickness MeasurementReadingsReading Values
GE DMS2Receive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
GE DMS2Receive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
GE DMS2Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
GE DMS2Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
GE DMS2Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationLocationDatapoint Location
GE DMS2Send To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationNumber of ReadingsNumber of Readings
GE DMS2Send To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement DateDate Last Updated
GE DMS2Send To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement ValueMeasurement Value
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness MeasurementMeasurement Taken DateDate Last Updated
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness MeasurementReadingsReading Values
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationLocationLocation Description
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationNumber of ReadingsNumber of Readings
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement DateDate Last Updated
Olympus 37DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement ValueMeasurement Value
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness MeasurementMeasurement Taken DateDate Last Updated
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness MeasurementReadingsReading Values
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageReceive From (F)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML Asset IDAsset ID
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationTML IDDatapoint ID
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationLocationLocation Description
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)Thickness Measurement LocationNumber of ReadingsNumber of Readings
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement DateDate Last Updated
Olympus 38DL Plus Ultrasonic Thickness GageSend To (T)TML Corrosion AnalysisLast Measurement ValueMeasurement Value