; MDS iNET ; Created 04-24-2002 09:15:26 IP Address: ;The ipv4 address of this unit. This field is unnecessary if DHCP is enabled. Caution!!! Changing this value via the network will cause a loss of communication. IP Netmask: ;The ipv4 local subnet mask. This field is unnecessary if DHCP is enabled. IP Gateway: ;The ipv4 address of the network gateway device, typically a router. This field is unnecessary if DHCP is enabled. Model Number: 900 ;The model number of this unit. This value is set by the factory and cannot be changed. DHCP Enable: disabled ;Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. When enabled, the ip address, netmask and gateway will be automatically configured. Note that a device running as a DHCP server must be present on the local network to fulfill the DHCP request and powerup. Unit Name: ;A name for this unit. It appears at the top of every menu screen. Owner: ;The name of the owner of this unit. Contact: ;The contact person regarding this unit. Description: ;A brief general description of this unit. Location: ;The location of this unit. RIP Enable: disabled ; OSPF Enable: disabled ; Max Remotes Allowed: 50 ; System Mode: Dual Remote ;Configures the unit to act as a Remote or a Master. The Master option is not allowed unless the unit is specifically ordered as such, or an authorization key has been purchased to allow it. Dwell Time: 65.5 ;The amount of time the unit spends at any given frequency in its hopping pattern. This field is only changable by a Master. Remotes read the Masters value upon association. Hop Pattern: 1 ; Network Name: Not Programmed ;The name of the network this unit belongs to. The unit will only communicate with devices having identical network names. Date Format: Generic ;Specifies the format of the date. Generic=dd Mmm yyyy. European=dd-mm-yyyy. US=mm-dd-yyyy. Console Baud: 19200 ;The baud rate of the serial menu console. Default value is 19200 bps. Company Name: MDS ; Version Name: 06-6000A01 ; Product Name: iNET ; Beacon Period: Normal ;The amount of time in milliseconds between beacon transmissions by the AP Data Rate: 256kbps ;The selected over-the-air data rate. A lower data rate generally allows more distance between the unit and its Master. RF Output Power Setpoint: 30 ;The desired amount of RF output power, measured in dBm. Skipped Hop Zone1: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone2: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone3: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone4: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone5: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone6: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone7: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone8: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone9: Active ; Skipped Hop Zone10: Active ; SNMP Read Community: public ; SNMP Write Community: private ; SNMP Trap Community: public ; SNMP Trap Manager #1: ; SNMP Trap Manager #2: ; SNMP Trap Manager #3: ; SNMP Trap Manager #4: ; SNMP Trap Manager #5: ; Auth trap enable: disabled ; Trap Version: v1 Traps ; Firmware TFTP Host IP: ; Firmware TFTP Filename: ; Eventlog TFTP Host IP: ; Eventlog TFTP Filename: ; Config Script TFTP Host IP: ; Config Script TFTP Filename: ; Fragmentation Threshold: 1600 ;Max packet size allowed before fragmentation occurs RTS Threshoold: 500 ;Number of bytes for the RTS/CTS handshake boundary RSSI Threshold: 0 ;RSSI value at which the connection is deemed 'degraded' SNR Threshold: 0 ;SNR value at which the connection is deemed 'degraded' TFTP Timeout: 10 ; Remote Database Timeout: 5 ; SNTP Server IP: ;The ipv4 address of NTP/SNTP Time Server Com1 Serial Data Enable: disabled ; Com1 Serial Data Mode: Serial-to-Serial ; Com1 Serial Data Baud Rate: 9600 ; Com1 Serial Data Tx IP Address: ; Com1 Serial Data Tx IP Port: Com1 ; Com2 Serial Data Enable: enabled ; Com2 Serial Data Mode: Serial-to-Serial ; Com2 Serial Data Baud Rate: 9600 ; Com2 Serial Data Tx IP Address: ; Com2 Serial Data Tx IP Port: Com2 ; Com1 Serial Data Rx IP Address: ; Com2 Serial Data Rx IP Address: ; Com2 Serial Data Flow Control: disabled ; Com1 Serial Data Seamless Mode: enabled ; Com2 Serial Data Seamless Mode: enabled ; Com1 Serial Data Delimiter Chars: 4 ; Com2 Serial Data Delimiter Chars: 4 ; Com1 Serial Data Latency Chars: 20 ; Com2 Serial Data Latency Chars: 20 ; Country of Operation: USA ;The country's freq-hopping rules the radio is configured to operate under User-specified AP: ;The IP address of the AP the user is pre-selecting. Backup Network Name: Not Programmed ;The name of the backup network this unit belongs to. The unit will only communicate with the backup network if it can't find the main network. SNMP Enable: disabled ;Enable/Disable SNMP Agent Hop Protocol: 1 ; DCHPd Server Enable: disabled ;Enable/Disable DHCP Server Daemon DCHPd Netmask: ;The IP Address to be used as the DHCP Netmask DCHPd Start Adderss: ;The IP Address to be used as the starting address DCHPd End Address: ;The IP Address to be used as the ending address