
You can view additional information that is helpful to complete a task or task step, such as web page content or a spreadsheet. If no documents are available, this feature is not available.

Tip: In the Mobile-sized Task List, you can use the arrow next to the Documents button to display a selection of all available linked documents and work instructions, both running and completed.
Linked Documents User-defined; PreconfiguredRead-only documents or web site URLs previously added to aid in the completion of a task step. If the original file document is updated, the updated version displays. Linked documents are available to users only after a task step starts running.
Note: Documents are embedded in this panel, and close automatically, unless your Microsoft Windowsconfiguration does not allow this. Any errors opening a document are displayed in the Feedback Zone.
The following exceptions apply:
  • Web Task List - To open documents in a new tab, in a new window, or in the native application for that file type, do the following:
    • Set the URI for each link to an absolute path.
    • Save documents in a folder on a server, giving the folder share permissions.
  • Mobile-sized Task List - To use embedded documents, you must add a registry patch.