Default Reporting Schedule Editor

The Default Reporting Schedule editor is used to configure a connection with your reporting database, and to configure the synchronization schedule between the production and reporting databases. Synchronizing the two databases allows you to run up-to-date reports on your data.

The following table describes the information available on the Default Reporting Schedule Editor:

Server NameUser-definedSpecifies the instance name of your reporting SQL Server.
Use a Specific User Name and Password check boxUser-definedSelect this check box if you configured your reporting database to use SQL Server Authentication.

If this check box is cleared, Windows Authentication/Integrated Security is used.

User NameUser-definedSpecifies the user name to use for SQL Server Authentication.

This field is available only when the Use a Specific User Name and Password check box is selected.

PasswordUser-definedSpecifies the password for SQL Server Authentication.

This field is available on when the Use a Specific User Name and Password check box is selected.

Manual Synchronization: Synchronize NOWN/AClick to manually synchronize your databases and to run a report on current data.

Manual synchronization is performed when you are between synchronization events and want to run a report on current data.

This button is not available if there are unsaved changes to the Reporting Schedule Editor.

Synchronization Events: BrowseN/AClick to open the Universal Browser where you can locate and select an event configured for synchronizing your reporting and production databases.

If you no longer want to use a specific event, click the Delete button.

Activation: Activate/DeactivateN/AClick to activate the synchronization event you selected. Database synchronization does not occur until the schedule event is activated.

To deactivate a schedule event, click this button when it displays Deactivate.