GE Historian Synchronization Tips

The following information provides guidelines for improving the performance of your GE Historian synchronization process.

Indexes on the Historian_Tag table
If the indexes are badly fragmented due to many deletes and/or inserts, which can occur if the synchronization has been attempted multiple times, the process will be slow. You can rebuild the indexes using SQL Server Management Studio as follows.
  1. Expand the Historian_Tag table.
  2. Right-click the Indexes folder, and then select Rebuild All.

Rebuilding the indexes should be performed before you attempt to synchronize. It should also be performed as a maintenance operation after the initial synchronization so that the table is in a good state for later synchronizations.

Memory on SQL Server
The initial synchronization is memory-intensive. The more RAM available to the SQL Server, the faster it will be. Ideally, SQL Server is on a dedicated computer. You should also ensure that SQL Server is configured with an appropriate Maximum server memory setting and not the default value, which is effectively infinite. For more information, see
SQL server recovery model
  • Testing has shown that if the recovery model for the SOADB is set to Simple vs. Full, database operations complete faster. However, there are other considerations with regard to data recovery that you must be aware of. For more information, see
Setting SOA to manual synchronization
A setting can be added to the ProficyServer.exe.config file that prevents automatic synchronization when Workflow Server starts. With large systems, manual mode can be used so that the synchronization process is triggered only when it is explicitly initiated.
To prevent automatic synchronization, under the <appSettings> section, add the entry <add key="HistorianManualSyncOnly" value="true" />.