Computer Management
Workflow access and layout features allow you to configure lockdown state, default startup options, and user overrides for individual computers, all computers in your system, or a subset of the computers in your system.
Lockdown mode and equipment linking are not available for global default configurations.
You can configure access and layouts for all users of a workstation and you can override certain features for one or more specific users.
Global computer configurations allow you to customize, from a single location, the way Workflow opens and appears on all computers in your system or on a subset of computers. That is, you are not required to set the computer layout and startup display for each individual computer.
Overrides for individual users can be defined on a global basis; that is, if you configure an override for a specific user, that user can log on to any computer in the system that is part of the global configuration and see the layout and startup display configured for him or her.
Global computer settings take precedence over individual computer settings for all computers that are included in a global default configuration. If you do not want a specific computer to use the default configuration, you can either exclude it during the initial default set up or you can override the default configuration.