.NET Requirements
.NET requirements apply to all servers that utilize Workflow.
The following .NET option is supported:
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.6 (Full Framework) or greater)
Note: .NET 4.7 (Full Framework) is mandatory if you are using FIPS or TLS 1.2.
Note: Custom display or from assemblies that target earlier versions of .NET will continue to function as before. However, saving changes made to such custom assemblies requires that they be upgraded, which is accomplished in different ways, based on the version of .NET:
- For an assembly that pre-dates .NET 4.0, you must upgrade the assembly when you open it. Failure to do so results in an error and the inability to save the edited assembly.
- For an assembly that targets .NET 4.0, the assembly is upgraded automatically when opened, and changes to such assemblies can be saved as before.
Service providers that target versions of the .NET framework before version 4.5 must be recompiled targeting .NET 4.5 or greater.