Access the Non-Conformance Details of a Work Order

About this task

As a supervisor, you can access the defects created on a serial/lot when the materials produced do not conform to specifications within the manufacturing process. After an operator creates a defect during an operation in the Non Conformance or the Work Queue application, the status of the associated serial/lot and operation is set to on hold, and the operators working on that serial/lot are clocked off (Depending on the configuration in Plant Applications Administrator, the serial/lot may still remain clocked on.). You can then access the defect details in the NCR section.


  1. Access the work order whose non-conformance details you want to access.
  2. Select NCR.
    The NCR section appears, displaying a list of non-conformances created on each defective serial/lot in the work order. The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
    STATUSThe status of the defect for which a non-conformance has been created.
    SERIAL/LOT#The serial/lot number for which the non-conformance has been created.
    OPThe operation during which the non-conformance has been created.
    DISPThe disposition method implemented on the serial/lot. If the serial/lot is yet to be disposed, the value in this column is blank.
    MATERIALThe material of the serial/lot.
    MATERIAL FAMILYThe material family associated with the material.
    MATERIAL DESCThe description of the material.
    CTP/REWORK OPThe operation until which the serial/lot can be processed if the disposition method is Continue to Process (CTP).
    ACTIONSContains the following buttons:
    • : Select this button to access the non-conformance details.
    • : Select this button to access the defect history.