Access a Work Order
About this task
As a supervisor, you can access work orders in the Released (that is, Ready or In Progress), On Hold, and Completed statuses associated with a production line or material family.
- In the Work Order Manager page, depending on the status of the work order that you want to access, select one of the following tabs:
- Released
- On hold
- Completed
- In the Property box, select one of the following properties by which you want to filter the work orders.
- Production Line
- Material Family
Depending on your selection in the Property box, the adjacent drop-down list box contains the list of production lines or material families. - Select the production lines or material families based on which you want to filter the work orders.Note: If you select a single production line or material family, the name of the selected line or family appears in the drop-down list box. If you select more than one line or family, the quantity of the selected lines or families appears (for example, 2 selected).A list of work orders associated with the selected production lines or material families appears. If you have accessed a work order in the released state, the work orders in the In Progress status appear first with an ascending sort applied in the ACT START column, followed by those in the Ready status with an ascending sort applied in the PRI column and then the PLAN START column (that is, the oldest work orders appear first in the table). The following table provides information on the columns in the table.
Column Description STATUS The status of the work order. WORK ORDER The unique identifier of the work order. SERIAL/LOT The quantity of serials/lots created in the work order. Note:- If the planned quantity of serials/lots in the COMP QTY column is greater than one, the SERIAL/LOT column displays the quantity of serials/lots associated with the work order. Select the link in this column to access a list of serials/lots and the statuses of each serial/lot associated with the work order. For more information, refer to the About Status Indicators topic.
- The value in the SERIAL/LOT column does not include the number of serials/lots that are in the Cancelled status.
MATERIAL The name of the material associated with the work order. COMP QTY The total quantity of items completed out of the total number of items in the serials/lots planned in the work order. The value in this column appears in the following format: <completed quantity> of <available quantity to be completed>. For example, suppose 5 lots are planned for a work order, and each lot contains 10 items. If 10 items from the first lot and 5 items from the second lot are completed, the value in this column is 15 of 50. HOLD QTY The quantity of serials/lots that are on hold in the work order. SCRAP QTY The quantity of serials/lots scrapped in the work order. PRI The priority of the work order. For instructions on how to prioritize a work order, refer to the Prioritize a Work Order topic. PLAN START The date and time when the work order was planned to begin. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm (for example, 03/27 10:58). PLAN END The date and time when the work order was planned to end. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm. ACT START The actual start date and time of the work order. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm. ACT END The actual end date and time of the work order. This column contains a value only for a work order in the Completed status. The date and time appear in the following format: mm/dd hh:mm. ACTIONS Contains the button to allow you to cancel the work order. This button is enabled only for a work order that is in the Ready status.
Note: The number of work orders that appear in a page depends on the resolution of your computer screen.Tip: By default, the list is grouped by the work order. If you want to sort the list by operations, select By Operations. - Select the work order that you want to access.The page for the work order appears, displaying a list of serials/lots for the work order.